ieDfm <- dfm(data_corpus_irishbudget2010, verbose=FALSE)
refscores <- c(rep(NA, 4), -1, 1, rep(NA, 8))
ws <- textmodel(ieDfm, refscores, model="wordscores", smooth=1)
# alternative formula notation - but slower
# need the - 1 to remove the intercept, as this is literal formula notation
wsform <- textmodel(refscores ~ . - 1, data=ieDfm, model="wordscores", smooth=1)
identical(ws@Sw, wsform@Sw) # compare wordscores from the two models
# compare the logit and linear wordscores
bs <- textmodel(ieDfm[5:6,], refscores[5:6], model="wordscores", scale="logit", smooth=1)
plot(ws@Sw, bs@Sw, xlim=c(-1, 1), xlab="Linear word score", ylab="Logit word score")
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# wf <- textmodel(ieDfm, model="wordfish", dir = c(6,5))
# wf
## ---------------------------------------------
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