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textplot_wordcloud: plot features as a wordcloud


Plot a dfm or tokens object as a wordcloud, where the feature labels are plotted with their sizes proportional to their numerical values in the dfm. When comparison = TRUE, it plots comparison word clouds by document.


textplot_wordcloud(x, comparison = FALSE, ...)


a dfm object
if TRUE, plot a comparison.cloud instead of a simple wordcloud, one grouping per document
additional parameters passed to to wordcloud or to text (and strheight, strwidth)


The default is to plot the word cloud of all features, summed across documents. To produce word cloud plots for specific document or set of documents, you need to slice out the document(s) from the dfm or tokens object.

Comparison word cloud plots may be plotted by setting comparison = TRUE, which plots a separate grouping for each document in the dfm. This means that you will need to slice out just a few documents from the dfm, or to create a dfm where the "documents" represent a subset or a grouping of documents by some document variable.

See Also

wordcloud, comparison.cloud


Run this code
# plot the features (without stopwords) from Obama's two inaugural addresses
mydfm <- dfm(corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, President=="Obama"), verbose = FALSE,
             remove = stopwords("english"))

# plot in colors with some additional options passed to wordcloud
textplot_wordcloud(mydfm, random.color = TRUE, rot.per = .25, 
                   colors = sample(colors()[2:128], 5))

## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # comparison plot of Irish government vs opposition
# docvars(data_corpus_irishbudget2010, "govtopp") <- 
#     factor(ifelse(data_corpus_irishbudget2010[, "party"] %in% c("FF", "Green"), "Govt", "Opp"))
# govtoppDfm <- dfm(data_corpus_irishbudget2010, groups = "govtopp", verbose = FALSE)
# textplot_wordcloud(tfidf(govtoppDfm), comparison = TRUE)
# # compare to non-tf-idf version
# textplot_wordcloud(govtoppDfm, comparison = TRUE)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab