creates an evaluation scheme (training and test data)
with k
runs and one of the following methods:
randomly assigns
the proportion of objects specified by train
to the training set and
the rest is used for the test set.
creates a k-fold cross-validation scheme. The data
is randomly split into k parts and in each run k-1 parts are used for
training and the remaining part is used for testing. After all k runs each
part was used as the test set exactly once.
creates the training set by taking a bootstrap sample
(sampling with replacement) of size train
times number of users in
the data set.
All objects not in the training set are used for testing.
For evaluation, Breese et al. (1998) introduced the
four experimental protocols called Given 2, Given 5, Given 10 and All-but-1.
During testing, the Given x protocol presents the algorithm with
only x randomly chosen items for the test user, and the algorithm
is evaluated by how well it is able to predict the withheld items.
For All-but-x,
the algorithm sees all but
x withheld ratings for the test user.
controls x in the evaluations scheme.
Positive integers result in a Given x protocol, while negative values
produce a All-but-x protocol.