Learn R Programming

soundgen (version 2.7.2)

.phasegram: Phasegram per sound


Internal soundgen function called by phasegram.


  windowLength = 10,
  step = windowLength/2,
  timeLag = NULL,
  theilerWindow = NULL,
  nonlinStats = c("ed", "d2", "ml", "sur"),
  pars_ed = list(max.embedding.dim = 15),
  pars_d2 = list(min.embedding.dim = 2, min.radius = 0.001, n.points.radius = 20),
  pars_ml = list(min.embedding.dim = 2, radius = 0.001),
  pars_sur = list(FUN = nonlinearTseries::timeAsymmetry, K = 1),
  bw = 0.01,
  bins = 5/bw,
  plot = TRUE,
  rasterize = FALSE,
  colorTheme = c("bw", "seewave", "heat.colors", "...")[1],
  col = NULL,
  xlab = "Time",
  ylab = "",
  main = NULL,
  width = 900,
  height = 500,
  units = "px",
  res = NA,



a list returned by readAudio


the length of each frame analyzed separately (ms)


time step between consecutive frames (ms)


time lag between the original and time-shifted version of each frame that together represent the phase portrait (ms). Defaults to the number of steps beyond which the mutual information function reaches its minimum or, if that fails, the steps until mutual information experiences the first exponential decay - see timeLag


time lag between two points that are considered locally independent and can be treated as neighbors in the reconstructed phase space. defaults to the first minimum or, if unavailable, the first zero of the autocorrelation function (or, failing that, to timeLag * 2)


nonlinear statistics to report: "ed" = the optimal number of embedding dimensions, "d2" = correlation dimension D2, "ml" = maximum Lyapunov exponent, "sur" = the results of surrogate data testing for stochasticity. These are calculated using the functionality of the package nonlinearTseries, which is seriously slow, so the default is just to get the phasegram itself


a list of control parameters passed to estimateEmbeddingDim


a list of control parameters passed to corrDim


a list of control parameters passed to maxLyapunov


a list of control parameters passed to surrogateTest


standard deviation of the smoothing kernel, as in density


the number of bins along the Y axis after rasterizing (has no effect if rasterize = FALSE)


should a spectrogram be plotted? TRUE / FALSE


if FALSE, only plots and returns Poincare sections on the original scale (most graphical parameters will then have no effect); if TRUE, rasterizes the phasegram matrix and plots it with more graphical parameters


black and white ('bw'), as in seewave package ('seewave'), matlab-type palette ('matlab'), or any palette from palette such as 'heat.colors', 'cm.colors', etc


actual colors, eg rev(rainbow(100)) - see ?hcl.colors for colors in base R (overrides colorTheme)

xlab, ylab, main

graphical parameters passed to soundgen:::filled.contour.mod (if rasterize = TRUE) or plot (if rasterize = FALSE)

width, height, units, res

graphical parameters for saving plots passed to png


other graphical parameters passed to soundgen:::filled.contour.mod (if rasterize = TRUE) or plot (if rasterize = FALSE)