soundgen readme
R package for sound synthesis and acoustic analysis.
Homepage with help, demos, etc:
Performs parametric synthesis of sounds with harmonic and noise components such as animal vocalizations or human voice. Also includes tools for spectral analysis, pitch tracking, audio segmentation, self-similarity matrices, morphing, etc.
Key functions
- Sound synthesis from R console:
- Shiny app for sound synthesis (opens in a browser):
- Acoustic analysis of a wav/mp3 file:
- Shiny app for editing intonation contours (opens in a browser):
- Measuring syllables, pauses, and bursts in a wav/mp3 file:
For more information, please see the vignettes on sound synthesis and acoustic analysis:
vignette("sound_generation", package="soundgen")
vignette("acoustic_analysis", package="soundgen")
Or, to open the vignettes in a browser:RShowDoc('sound_generation', package = 'soundgen')
RShowDoc('acoustic_analysis', package = 'soundgen')
Example of sound synthesis
Use the soundgen()
function to create a breathy moan:
s = soundgen(
sylLen = 230, # duration of voiced part, ms
pitch = c(305, 280), # pitch, Hz (goes down from 305 to 380 Hz)
ampl = c(0, -20), # amplitude, dB (gradual fade-out by 20 dB)
rolloff = -30, # strong f0, weak harmonics
temperature = 0.05, # some stochasticity in generation
formants = c(260, 960, 1500, 2200, # F1-F8 formant frequencies, Hz
2600, 3600, 4200, 4500),
noise = data.frame(
time = c(-50, 120, 700), # time of noise anchors
value = c(-15, -5, -50) # noise amplitude, dB
rolloffNoise = 0, # flat noise spectrum before adding formants
addSilence = 0, samplingRate = 44100, pitchSamplingRate = 44100,
play = TRUE, plot = TRUE, osc = TRUE, ylim = c(0, 6)
Example of acoustic analysis
Use the analyze()
function to detect pitch and obtain other spectral
descriptives of the sound we have just synthesized:
a = analyze(s, 44100, plot = TRUE, ylim = c(0, 6))
a$detailed[1:5, c('pitch', 'peakFreq', 'harmHeight', 'HNR', 'ampl', 'loudness')]
#> pitch peakFreq harmHeight HNR ampl loudness
#> 1 NA NA NA NA 0.02993491 NA
#> 2 291.4030 300.1361 582.8060 5.743706 0.19258955 11.19230
#> 3 293.9992 300.1361 881.9977 13.480664 0.41832141 18.21197
#> 4 293.8760 300.1361 881.9977 13.757051 0.53108777 22.46051
#> 5 292.1780 300.1361 1753.0680 12.266983 0.49117243 21.69834
#> [1] "duration" "duration_noSilence" "time" "amDep"
#> [5] "amDepVoiced" "amFreq" "amFreqVoiced" "ampl"
#> [9] "amplVoiced" "dom" "domVoiced" "entropy"
#> [13] "entropyVoiced" "epoch" "f1_freq" "f1_width"
#> [17] "f2_freq" "f2_width" "f3_freq" "f3_width"
#> [21] "flux" "harmEnergy" "harmHeight" "HNR"
#> [25] "HNRVoiced" "loudness" "loudnessVoiced" "novelty"
#> [29] "noveltyVoiced" "peakFreq" "peakFreqVoiced" "pitch"
#> [33] "quartile25" "quartile25Voiced" "quartile50" "quartile50Voiced"
#> [37] "quartile75" "quartile75Voiced" "roughness" "roughnessVoiced"
#> [41] "specCentroid" "specCentroidVoiced" "specSlope" "specSlopeVoiced"
#> [45] "subDep" "subRatio" "voiced"
To install the current release from CRAN: install.packages("soundgen")
NB: Make sure all dependencies have been installed correctly! For problems with seewave, see
On Macs, you may need to do the following:
- First install brew according to the instructions here:
- Then run the following from the terminal
brew install libsndfile
brew install fftw
- Finally, install soundgen in R: