Internal soundgen function, see reverb
echoDelay = 200,
echoLevel = -20,
reverbDelay = 70,
reverbSpread = 130,
reverbLevel = -25,
reverbDensity = 50,
reverbType = "gaussian",
filter = list(),
dynamicRange = 80,
output = c("audio", "detailed")[1],
play = FALSE
a list returned by readAudio
the delay at which the echo appears, ms
the rate at which the echo weakens at each repetition, dB
the time of maximum reverb density, ms
standard deviation of reverb spread around time
, ms
the maximum amplitude of reverb, dB below input
the number of echos or "voices" added
so far only "gaussian" has been implemented
(optional) a spectral filter to apply to the created reverb and
echo (see addFormants
for acceptable formats)
the precision with which the reverb and echo are calculated, dB
"audio" = returns just the processed audio, "detailed" = returns a list with reverb window, the added reverb/echo, etc.
if TRUE, plays the processed audio