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soundgen (version 2.7.2)

addFormants: Add formants


A spectral filter that either adds or removes formants from a sound - that is, amplifies or dampens certain frequency bands, as in human vowels. See soundgen and getSpectralEnvelope for more information. With action = 'remove' this function can perform inverse filtering to remove formants and obtain raw glottal output, provided that you can specify the correct formant structure. Instead of formants, any arbitrary spectral filtering function can be applied using the spectralEnvelope argument (eg for a low/high/bandpass filter).


  samplingRate = NULL,
  formants = NULL,
  spectralEnvelope = NULL,
  action = c("add", "remove")[1],
  dB = NULL,
  specificity = 1,
  zFun = NULL,
  vocalTract = NA,
  formantDep = 1,
  formantDepStoch = 1,
  formantWidth = 1,
  formantCeiling = 2,
  lipRad = 6,
  noseRad = 4,
  mouthOpenThres = 0,
  mouth = NA,
  temperature = 0.025,
  formDrift = 0.3,
  formDisp = 0.2,
  smoothing = list(),
  windowLength_points = 800,
  overlap = 75,
  normalize = c("max", "orig", "none")[1],
  play = FALSE,
  saveAudio = NULL,
  reportEvery = NULL,
  cores = 1,



path to a folder, one or more wav or mp3 files c('file1.wav', 'file2.mp3'), Wave object, numeric vector, or a list of Wave objects or numeric vectors


sampling frequency, Hz


either a character string referring to default presets for speaker "M1" (implemented: "aoieu0") or a list of formant times, frequencies, amplitudes, and bandwidths (see examples). NA or NULL means no formants, only lip radiation. Time stamps for formants and mouthOpening can be specified in ms relative to sylLen or on a scale of [0, 1]. See getSpectralEnvelope for more details


(optional): as an alternative to specifying formant frequencies, we can provide the exact filter - a vector of non-negative numbers specifying the power in each frequency bin on a linear scale (interpolated to length equal to windowLength_points/2). A matrix specifying the filter for each STFT step is also accepted. The easiest way to create this matrix is to call soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope or to use the spectrum of a recorded sound


'add' = add formants to the sound, 'remove' = remove formants (inverse filtering)


if NULL (default), the spectral envelope is applied on the original scale; otherwise, it is set to range from 1 to 10 ^ (dB / 20)


a way to sharpen or blur the spectral envelope (spectrum ^ specificity) : 1 = no change, >1 = sharper, <1 = blurred


(optional) an arbitrary function to apply to the spectrogram prior to iSTFT, where "z" is the spectrogram - a matrix of complex values (see examples)


the length of vocal tract, cm. Used for calculating formant dispersion (for adding extra formants) and formant transitions as the mouth opens and closes. If NULL or NA, the length is estimated based on specified formant frequencies, if any (anchor format)


scale factor of formant amplitude (1 = no change relative to amplitudes in formants)


the amplitude of additional stochastic formants added above the highest specified formant, dB (only if temperature > 0)


scale factor of formant bandwidth (1 = no change)


frequency to which stochastic formants are calculated, in multiples of the Nyquist frequency; increase up to ~10 for long vocal tracts to avoid losing energy in the upper part of the spectrum


the effect of lip radiation on source spectrum, dB/oct (the default of +6 dB/oct produces a high-frequency boost when the mouth is open)


the effect of radiation through the nose on source spectrum, dB/oct (the alternative to lipRad when the mouth is closed)


open the lips (switch from nose radiation to lip radiation) when the mouth is open >mouthOpenThres, 0 to 1


mouth opening (0 to 1, 0.5 = neutral, i.e. no modification) (anchor format)


hyperparameter for regulating the amount of stochasticity in sound generation

formDrift, formDisp

scaling factors for the effect of temperature on formant drift and dispersal, respectively


a list of parameters passed to getSmoothContour to control the interpolation and smoothing of contours: interpol (approx / spline / loess), loessSpan, discontThres, jumpThres


length of FFT window, points


FFT window overlap, %. For allowed values, see istft


"orig" = same as input (default), "max" = maximum possible peak amplitude, "none" = no normalization


if TRUE, plays the synthesized sound using the default player on your system. If character, passed to play as the name of player to use, eg "aplay", "play", "vlc", etc. In case of errors, try setting another default player for play


path + filename for saving the output, e.g. '~/Downloads/temp.wav'. If NULL = doesn't save


when processing multiple inputs, report estimated time left every ... iterations (NULL = default, NA = don't report)


number of cores for parallel processing


other plotting parameters passed to spectrogram


Algorithm: converts input from a time series (time domain) to a spectrogram (frequency domain) through short-time Fourier transform (STFT), multiples by the spectral filter containing the specified formants, and transforms back to a time series via inverse STFT. This is a subroutine for voice synthesis in soundgen, but it can also be applied to a recording.

See Also

getSpectralEnvelope transplantFormants soundgen


Run this code
sound = c(rep(0, 1000), runif(8000) * 2 - 1, rep(0, 1000))  # white noise
# NB: pad with silence to avoid artefacts if removing formants
# playme(sound)
# spectrogram(sound, samplingRate = 16000)

# add F1 = 900, F2 = 1300 Hz
sound_filtered = addFormants(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
                             formants = c(900, 1300))
# playme(sound_filtered)
# spectrogram(sound_filtered, samplingRate = 16000)

# ...and remove them again (assuming we know what the formants are)
sound_inverse_filt = addFormants(sound_filtered,
                                 samplingRate = 16000,
                                 formants = c(900, 1300),
                                 action = 'remove')
# playme(sound_inverse_filt)
# spectrogram(sound_inverse_filt, samplingRate = 16000)

if (FALSE) {
## Perform some user-defined manipulation of the spectrogram with zFun
# Ex.: noise removal - silence all bins under threshold,
# say -0 dB below the max value
s_noisy = soundgen(sylLen = 200, addSilence = 0,
                   noise = list(time = c(-100, 300), value = -20))
spectrogram(s_noisy, 16000)
# playme(s_noisy)
zFun = function(z, cutoff = -50) {
  az = abs(z)
  thres = max(az) * 10 ^ (cutoff / 20)
  z[which(az < thres)] = 0
s_denoised = addFormants(s_noisy, samplingRate = 16000,
                         formants = NA, zFun = zFun, cutoff = -40)
spectrogram(s_denoised, 16000)
# playme(s_denoised)

# If neither formants nor spectralEnvelope are defined, only lipRad has an effect
# For ex., we can boost low frequencies by 6 dB/oct
noise = runif(8000)
noise1 = addFormants(noise, 16000, lipRad = -6)
seewave::meanspec(noise1, f = 16000, dB = 'max0')

# Arbitrary spectra can be defined with spectralEnvelope. For ex., we can
# have a flat spectrum up to 2 kHz (Nyquist / 4) and -3 dB/kHz above:
freqs = seq(0, 16000 / 2, length.out = 100)
n = length(freqs)
idx = (n / 4):n
sp_dB = c(rep(0, n / 4 - 1), (freqs[idx] - freqs[idx[1]]) / 1000 * (-3))
plot(freqs, sp_dB, type = 'b')
noise2 = addFormants(noise, 16000, lipRad = 0, spectralEnvelope = 10 ^ (sp_dB / 20))
seewave::meanspec(noise2, f = 16000, dB = 'max0')

## Use the spectral envelope of an existing recording (bleating of a sheep)
# (see also the same example with noise as source in ?generateNoise)
# (NB: this can also be achieved with a single call to transplantFormants)
data(sheep, package = 'seewave')  # import a recording from seewave
sound_orig = as.numeric(scale(sheep@left))
samplingRate = sheep@samp.rate
sound_orig = sound_orig / max(abs(sound_orig))  # range -1 to +1
# playme(sound_orig, samplingRate)

# get a few pitch anchors to reproduce the original intonation
pitch = analyze(sound_orig, samplingRate = samplingRate,
  pitchMethod = c('autocor', 'dom'))$detailed$pitch
pitch = pitch[!is.na(pitch)]

# extract a frequency-smoothed version of the original spectrogram
# to use as filter
specEnv_bleating = spectrogram(sound_orig, windowLength = 5,
 samplingRate = samplingRate, output = 'original', plot = FALSE)
# image(t(log(specEnv_bleating)))

# Synthesize source only, with flat spectrum
sound_unfilt = soundgen(sylLen = 2500, pitch = pitch,
  rolloff = 0, rolloffOct = 0, rolloffKHz = 0,
  temperature = 0, jitterDep = 0, subDep = 0,
  formants = NULL, lipRad = 0, samplingRate = samplingRate,
  invalidArgAction = 'ignore')  # prevent soundgen from increasing samplingRate
# playme(sound_unfilt, samplingRate)
# seewave::meanspec(sound_unfilt, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0')  # ~flat

# Force spectral envelope to the shape of target
sound_filt = addFormants(sound_unfilt, formants = NULL,
  spectralEnvelope = specEnv_bleating, samplingRate = samplingRate)
# playme(sound_filt, samplingRate)  # playme(sound_orig, samplingRate)
# spectrogram(sound_filt, samplingRate)  # spectrogram(sound_orig, samplingRate)

# The spectral envelope is now similar to the original recording. Compare:
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
seewave::meanspec(sound_orig, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0', alim = c(-50, 20))
seewave::meanspec(sound_filt, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0', alim = c(-50, 20))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# NB: but the source of excitation in the original is actually a mix of
# harmonics and noise, while the new sound is purely tonal

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