sound = c(rep(0, 1000), runif(8000) * 2 - 1, rep(0, 1000)) # white noise
# NB: pad with silence to avoid artefacts if removing formants
# playme(sound)
# spectrogram(sound, samplingRate = 16000)
# add F1 = 900, F2 = 1300 Hz
sound_filtered = addFormants(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
formants = c(900, 1300))
# playme(sound_filtered)
# spectrogram(sound_filtered, samplingRate = 16000)
# ...and remove them again (assuming we know what the formants are)
sound_inverse_filt = addFormants(sound_filtered,
samplingRate = 16000,
formants = c(900, 1300),
action = 'remove')
# playme(sound_inverse_filt)
# spectrogram(sound_inverse_filt, samplingRate = 16000)
if (FALSE) {
## Perform some user-defined manipulation of the spectrogram with zFun
# Ex.: noise removal - silence all bins under threshold,
# say -0 dB below the max value
s_noisy = soundgen(sylLen = 200, addSilence = 0,
noise = list(time = c(-100, 300), value = -20))
spectrogram(s_noisy, 16000)
# playme(s_noisy)
zFun = function(z, cutoff = -50) {
az = abs(z)
thres = max(az) * 10 ^ (cutoff / 20)
z[which(az < thres)] = 0
s_denoised = addFormants(s_noisy, samplingRate = 16000,
formants = NA, zFun = zFun, cutoff = -40)
spectrogram(s_denoised, 16000)
# playme(s_denoised)
# If neither formants nor spectralEnvelope are defined, only lipRad has an effect
# For ex., we can boost low frequencies by 6 dB/oct
noise = runif(8000)
noise1 = addFormants(noise, 16000, lipRad = -6)
seewave::meanspec(noise1, f = 16000, dB = 'max0')
# Arbitrary spectra can be defined with spectralEnvelope. For ex., we can
# have a flat spectrum up to 2 kHz (Nyquist / 4) and -3 dB/kHz above:
freqs = seq(0, 16000 / 2, length.out = 100)
n = length(freqs)
idx = (n / 4):n
sp_dB = c(rep(0, n / 4 - 1), (freqs[idx] - freqs[idx[1]]) / 1000 * (-3))
plot(freqs, sp_dB, type = 'b')
noise2 = addFormants(noise, 16000, lipRad = 0, spectralEnvelope = 10 ^ (sp_dB / 20))
seewave::meanspec(noise2, f = 16000, dB = 'max0')
## Use the spectral envelope of an existing recording (bleating of a sheep)
# (see also the same example with noise as source in ?generateNoise)
# (NB: this can also be achieved with a single call to transplantFormants)
data(sheep, package = 'seewave') # import a recording from seewave
sound_orig = as.numeric(scale(sheep@left))
samplingRate = sheep@samp.rate
sound_orig = sound_orig / max(abs(sound_orig)) # range -1 to +1
# playme(sound_orig, samplingRate)
# get a few pitch anchors to reproduce the original intonation
pitch = analyze(sound_orig, samplingRate = samplingRate,
pitchMethod = c('autocor', 'dom'))$detailed$pitch
pitch = pitch[!]
# extract a frequency-smoothed version of the original spectrogram
# to use as filter
specEnv_bleating = spectrogram(sound_orig, windowLength = 5,
samplingRate = samplingRate, output = 'original', plot = FALSE)
# image(t(log(specEnv_bleating)))
# Synthesize source only, with flat spectrum
sound_unfilt = soundgen(sylLen = 2500, pitch = pitch,
rolloff = 0, rolloffOct = 0, rolloffKHz = 0,
temperature = 0, jitterDep = 0, subDep = 0,
formants = NULL, lipRad = 0, samplingRate = samplingRate,
invalidArgAction = 'ignore') # prevent soundgen from increasing samplingRate
# playme(sound_unfilt, samplingRate)
# seewave::meanspec(sound_unfilt, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0') # ~flat
# Force spectral envelope to the shape of target
sound_filt = addFormants(sound_unfilt, formants = NULL,
spectralEnvelope = specEnv_bleating, samplingRate = samplingRate)
# playme(sound_filt, samplingRate) # playme(sound_orig, samplingRate)
# spectrogram(sound_filt, samplingRate) # spectrogram(sound_orig, samplingRate)
# The spectral envelope is now similar to the original recording. Compare:
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
seewave::meanspec(sound_orig, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0', alim = c(-50, 20))
seewave::meanspec(sound_filt, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0', alim = c(-50, 20))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# NB: but the source of excitation in the original is actually a mix of
# harmonics and noise, while the new sound is purely tonal
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