sound1 = sin(1:100 / 9)
sound2 = sin(7:107 / 3)
plot(c(sound1, sound2), type = 'b')
# an ugly discontinuity at 100 that will make an audible click
sound = crossFade(sound1, sound2, crossLenPoints = 5)
plot(sound, type = 'b') # a nice, smooth transition
length(sound) # but note that cross-fading costs us ~60 points
# because of trimming to zero crossings and then overlapping
if (FALSE) {
# Actual sounds, alternative shapes of fade-in/out
sound3 = soundgen(formants = 'a', pitch = 200,
addSilence = 0, attackLen = c(50, 0))
sound4 = soundgen(formants = 'u', pitch = 200,
addSilence = 0, attackLen = c(0, 50))
# simple concatenation (with a click)
playme(c(sound3, sound4), 16000)
# concatentation from zc to zc (no click, but a rough transition)
playme(crossFade(sound3, sound4, crossLen = 0), 16000)
# linear crossFade over 35 ms - brief, but smooth
playme(crossFade(sound3, sound4, crossLen = 35, samplingRate = 16000), 16000)
# s-shaped cross-fade over 300 ms (shortens the sound by ~300 ms)
playme(crossFade(sound3, sound4, samplingRate = 16000,
crossLen = 300, shape = 'cos'), 16000)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab