estimateVTL(c(600, 1850, 2800, 3600, 5000), plot = TRUE)
estimateVTL(c(600, 1850, 2800, 3600, 5000), plot = TRUE, output = 'detailed')
estimateVTL(c(1200, 2000, 2800, 3800, 5400, 6400),
tube = 'open-open', interceptZero = FALSE, plot = TRUE)
estimateVTL(c(1200, 2000, 2800, 3800, 5400, 6400),
tube = 'open-open', interceptZero = TRUE, plot = TRUE)
# Multiple measurements are OK
formants = list(f1 = c(540, 600, 550),
f2 = 1650, f3 = c(2400, 2550)),
plot = TRUE, output = 'detailed')
# NB: this is better than averaging formant values. Cf.:
formants = list(f1 = mean(c(540, 600, 550)),
f2 = 1650, f3 = mean(c(2400, 2550))),
plot = TRUE)
# Missing values are OK
estimateVTL(c(600, 1850, 3100, NA, 5000), plot = TRUE)
estimateVTL(list(f1 = 500, f2 = c(1650, NA, 1400), f3 = 2700), plot = TRUE)
# Note that VTL estimates based on the commonly reported 'meanDispersion'
# depend only on the first and last formants
estimateVTL(c(500, 1400, 2800, 4100), method = 'meanDispersion')
estimateVTL(c(500, 1100, 2300, 4100), method = 'meanDispersion') # identical
# ...but this is not the case for 'meanFormant' and 'regression' methods
estimateVTL(c(500, 1400, 2800, 4100), method = 'meanFormant')
estimateVTL(c(500, 1100, 2300, 4100), method = 'meanFormant') # much longer
if (FALSE) {
# Compare the results produced by the three methods
nIter = 1000
out = data.frame(meanFormant = rep(NA, nIter), meanDispersion = NA, regression = NA)
for (i in 1:nIter) {
# generate a random formant configuration
f = runif(1, 300, 900) + (1:6) * rnorm(6, 1000, 200)
out$meanFormant[i] = estimateVTL(f, method = 'meanFormant')
out$meanDispersion[i] = estimateVTL(f, method = 'meanDispersion')
out$regression[i] = estimateVTL(f, method = 'regression')
# 'meanDispersion' is pretty different, while 'meanFormant' and 'regression'
# give broadly comparable results
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