# Create a sound to be filtered
s = soundgen(pitch = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 200, sd = 25),
amFreq = 25, amDep = 50, samplingRate = 16000,
addSilence = 50, plot = TRUE, osc = TRUE)
# playme(s, 16000)
# Filter
s_filt = filterSoundByMS(s, samplingRate = 16000,
amCond = 'abs(am) > 15', fmCond = 'abs(fm) > 5',
nIter = 10, # increase nIter for best results!
action = 'remove', plot = TRUE)
# playme(s_filt, samplingRate = 16000)
if (FALSE) {
# Process all files in a folder, save filtered audio and plots
s_filt = filterSoundByMS('~/Downloads/temp2',
saveAudio = '~/Downloads/temp2/ms', savePlots = '',
amCond = 'abs(am) > 15', fmCond = 'abs(fm) > 5',
action = 'remove', nIter = 10)
# Download an example - a bit of speech (sampled at 16000 Hz)
destfile = '~/Downloads/speechEx.wav') # modify as needed
target = '~/Downloads/speechEx.wav'
samplingRate = tuneR::readWave(target)@samp.rate
spectrogram(target, osc = TRUE)
# Remove AM above 3 Hz from a bit of speech (remove most temporal details)
s_filt1 = filterSoundByMS(target, amCond = 'abs(am) > 3',
action = 'remove', nIter = 15)
playme(s_filt1, samplingRate)
spectrogram(s_filt1, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
# Intelligigble when AM in 5-25 Hz is preserved:
s_filt2 = filterSoundByMS(target, amCond = 'abs(am) > 5 & abs(am) < 25',
action = 'preserve', nIter = 15)
playme(s_filt2, samplingRate)
spectrogram(s_filt2, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
# Remove slow AM/FM (prosody) to achieve a "robotic" voice
s_filt3 = filterSoundByMS(target, jointCond = 'am^2 + (fm*3)^2 < 300',
nIter = 15)
playme(s_filt3, samplingRate)
spectrogram(s_filt3, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
## An alternative manual workflow w/o calling filterSoundByMS()
# This way you can modify the MS directly and more flexibly
# than with the filterMS() function called by filterSoundByMS()
# (optional) Check that the target spectrogram can be successfully inverted
spec = spectrogram(s, 16000, windowLength = 50, step = NULL, overlap = 80,
wn = 'hanning', osc = TRUE, padWithSilence = FALSE)
s_rev = invertSpectrogram(spec, samplingRate = 16000,
windowLength = 50, overlap = 80, wn = 'hamming', play = FALSE)
# playme(s_rev, 16000) # should be close to the original
spectrogram(s_rev, 16000, osc = TRUE)
# Get modulation spectrum starting from the sound...
ms = modulationSpectrum(s, samplingRate = 16000, windowLength = 25,
overlap = 80, wn = 'hanning', amRes = NULL, maxDur = Inf, logSpec = FALSE,
power = NA, returnComplex = TRUE, plot = FALSE)$complex
# ... or starting from the spectrogram:
# ms = specToMS(spec)
plotMS(abs(ms)) # this is the original MS
# Filter as needed - for ex., remove AM > 10 Hz and FM > 3 cycles/kHz
# (removes f0, preserves formants)
am = as.numeric(colnames(ms))
fm = as.numeric(rownames(ms))
idx_row = which(abs(fm) > 3)
idx_col = which(abs(am) > 10)
ms_filt = ms
ms_filt[idx_row, ] = 0
ms_filt[, idx_col] = 0
plotMS(abs(ms_filt)) # this is the filtered MS
# Convert back to a spectrogram
spec_filt = msToSpec(ms_filt)
# Invert the spectrogram
s_filt = invertSpectrogram(abs(spec_filt), samplingRate = 16000,
windowLength = 25, overlap = 80, wn = 'hanning')
# NB: use the same settings as in "spec = spectrogram(s, ...)" above
# Compare with the original
playme(s, 16000)
spectrogram(s, 16000, osc = TRUE)
playme(s_filt, 16000)
spectrogram(s_filt, 16000, osc = TRUE)
ms_new = modulationSpectrum(s_filt, samplingRate = 16000,
windowLength = 25, overlap = 80, wn = 'hanning', maxDur = Inf,
plot = TRUE, returnComplex = TRUE)$complex
image(x = as.numeric(colnames(ms_new)), y = as.numeric(rownames(ms_new)),
z = t(log(abs(ms_new))))
plot(as.numeric(colnames(ms)), log(abs(ms[nrow(ms) / 2, ])), type = 'l')
points(as.numeric(colnames(ms_new)), log(ms_new[nrow(ms_new) / 2, ]), type = 'l',
col = 'red', lty = 3)
# AM peaks at 25 Hz are removed, but inverting the spectrogram adds a lot of noise
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab