Suggested workflow: load one or several audio files (wav/mp3), preferably not
longer than a minute or so. Select a region of interest in the spectrogram -
for example, a sustained vowel with clear and relatively steady formants.
Double-click within the selection to create a new annotation (you may add a
text label if needed). If you are satisfied with the automatically calculated
formant frequencies, proceed to the next region of interest. If not, there
are 4 ways to adjust them: (1) type in the correct number in one of the
formant boxes in the top right corner; (2) click a spectrogram within
selection (pick the formant number to adjust by clicking the formant boxes);
(3) single-click the spectrum to use the cursor's position, or (4)
double-click the spectrum to use the nearest spectral peak. When done with a
file, move on to the next one in the queue. Use the orange button to download
the results. To continue work, upload the output file from the previous
session together with the audio files (you can rename it, but keep the .csv
extension). Use hotkeys (eg spacebar to play/stop) and avoid working with
very large files.