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soundgen (version 2.7.2)

generateNoise: Generate noise


Generates noise of length len and with spectrum defined by rolloff parameters OR by a specified filter spectralEnvelope. This function is called internally by soundgen, but it may be more convenient to call it directly when synthesizing non-biological noises defined by specific spectral and amplitude envelopes rather than formants: the wind, whistles, impact noises, etc. See fart and beat for similarly simplified functions for tonal non-biological sounds.


  rolloffNoise = 0,
  noiseFlatSpec = 1200,
  rolloffNoiseExp = 0,
  spectralEnvelope = NULL,
  noise = NULL,
  temperature = 0.1,
  attackLen = 10,
  windowLength_points = 1024,
  samplingRate = 16000,
  overlap = 75,
  dynamicRange = 80,
  smoothing = list(),
  invalidArgAction = c("adjust", "abort", "ignore")[1],
  play = FALSE



length of output

rolloffNoise, noiseFlatSpec

linear rolloff of the excitation source for the unvoiced component, rolloffNoise dB/kHz (anchor format) applied above noiseFlatSpec Hz


exponential rolloff of the excitation source for the unvoiced component, dB/oct (anchor format) applied above 0 Hz


(optional): as an alternative to using rolloffNoise, we can provide the exact filter - a vector of non-negative numbers specifying the desired spectrum on a linear scale up to Nyquist frequency (samplingRate / 2). The length doesn't matter as it can be interpolated internally to windowLength_points/2. A matrix specifying the filter for each STFT step is also accepted. The easiest way to obtain spectralEnvelope is to call soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope or to use the spectrum / spectrogram of a recorded sound


loudness of turbulent noise (0 dB = as loud as voiced component, negative values = quieter) such as aspiration, hissing, etc (anchor format)


hyperparameter for regulating the amount of stochasticity in sound generation


duration of fade-in / fade-out at each end of syllables and noise (ms): a vector of length 1 (symmetric) or 2 (separately for fade-in and fade-out)


the length of fft window, points


sampling frequency, Hz


FFT window overlap, %. For allowed values, see istft


dynamic range, dB. Harmonics and noise more than dynamicRange under maximum amplitude are discarded to save computational resources


a list of parameters passed to getSmoothContour to control the interpolation and smoothing of contours: interpol (approx / spline / loess), loessSpan, discontThres, jumpThres


what to do if an argument is invalid or outside the range in permittedValues: 'adjust' = reset to default value, 'abort' = stop execution, 'ignore' = throw a warning and continue (may crash)


if TRUE, plays the synthesized sound using the default player on your system. If character, passed to play as the name of player to use, eg "aplay", "play", "vlc", etc. In case of errors, try setting another default player for play


Algorithm: paints a spectrogram with desired characteristics, sets phase to zero, and generates a time sequence via inverse FFT.

See Also

soundgen fart beat


Run this code
# .5 s of white noise
samplingRate = 16000
noise1 = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * .5,
  samplingRate = samplingRate)
# playme(noise1, samplingRate)
# seewave::meanspec(noise1, f = samplingRate)

# Percussion (run a few times to notice stochasticity due to temperature = .25)
noise2 = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * .15, noise = c(0, -80),
  rolloffNoise = c(4, -6), attackLen = 5, temperature = .25)
noise3 = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * .25, noise = c(0, -40),
  rolloffNoise = c(4, -20), attackLen = 5, temperature = .25)
# playme(c(noise2, noise3), samplingRate)

if (FALSE) {
playback = list(TRUE, FALSE, 'aplay', 'vlc')[[1]]
# 1.2 s of noise with rolloff changing from 0 to -12 dB above 2 kHz
noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * 1.2,
  rolloffNoise = c(0, -12), noiseFlatSpec = 2000,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
# spectrogram(noise, samplingRate, osc = TRUE)

# Similar, but using the dataframe format to specify a more complicated
# contour for rolloffNoise:
noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * 1.2,
  rolloffNoise = data.frame(time = c(0, .3, 1), value = c(-12, 0, -12)),
  noiseFlatSpec = 2000, samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
# spectrogram(noise, samplingRate, osc = TRUE)

# To create a sibilant [s], specify a single strong, broad formant at ~7 kHz:
windowLength_points = 1024
spectralEnvelope = soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope(
  nr = windowLength_points / 2, nc = 1, samplingRate = samplingRate,
 formants = list('f1' = data.frame(time = 0, freq = 7000,
                                   amp = 50, width = 2000)))
noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, spectralEnvelope = as.numeric(spectralEnvelope),
  play = playback)
# plot(spectralEnvelope, type = 'l')

# Low-frequency, wind-like noise
spectralEnvelope = soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope(
  nr = windowLength_points / 2, nc = 1, lipRad = 0,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, formants = list('f1' = data.frame(
    time = 0, freq = 150, amp = 30, width = 90)))
noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, spectralEnvelope = as.numeric(spectralEnvelope),
  play = playback)

# Manual filter, e.g. for a kettle-like whistle (narrow-band noise)
spectralEnvelope = c(rep(0, 100), 120, rep(0, 100))  # any length is fine
# plot(spectralEnvelope, type = 'b')  # notch filter at Nyquist / 2, here 4 kHz
noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate, spectralEnvelope = spectralEnvelope,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)

# Compare to a similar sound created with soundgen()
# (unvoiced only, a single formant at 4 kHz)
noise_s = soundgen(pitch = NULL,
  noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 1000), value = c(0, 0)),
  formants = list(f1 = data.frame(freq = 4000, amp = 80, width = 20)),
  play = playback)

# Use the spectral envelope of an existing recording (bleating of a sheep)
# (see also the same example with tonal source in ?addFormants)
data(sheep, package = 'seewave')  # import a recording from seewave
sound_orig = as.numeric(sheep@left)
samplingRate = sheep@samp.rate
# playme(sound_orig, samplingRate)

# extract the original spectrogram
windowLength = c(5, 10, 50, 100)[1]  # try both narrow-band (eg 100 ms)
# to get "harmonics" and wide-band (5 ms) to get only formants
spectralEnvelope = spectrogram(sound_orig, windowLength = windowLength,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, output = 'original', padWithSilence = FALSE)
sound_noise = generateNoise(len = length(sound_orig),
  spectralEnvelope = spectralEnvelope, rolloffNoise = 0,
  samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
# playme(sound_noise, samplingRate)

# The spectral envelope is similar to the original recording. Compare:
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
seewave::meanspec(sound_orig, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0')
seewave::meanspec(sound_noise, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0')
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# However, the excitation source is now white noise
# (which sounds like noise if windowLength is ~5-10 ms,
# but becomes more and more like the original at longer window lengths)

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