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soundgen (version 2.7.2)

getDuration: Get duration


Returns the duration of one or more audio files (mostly useful for running on an entire folder). If threshold is set, it also removes the leading and trailing silences or near-silences, thus returning the duration of relatively loud central fragments of each sound. Silences are located based on the amplitude of root mean square (RMS) amplitude with getRMS. Note that the threshold is set relative to the observed maximum RMS, just as in analyze. This means that even very quiet sounds are not treated as nothing but silence.


  samplingRate = NULL,
  silence = 0.01,
  rms = list(windowLength = 20, step = 5),
  reportEvery = NULL,
  cores = 1


Returns duration (s) and duration_noSilence (duration without leading and trailing silences).



path to a folder, one or more wav or mp3 files c('file1.wav', 'file2.mp3'), Wave object, numeric vector, or a list of Wave objects or numeric vectors


sampling rate of x (only needed if x is a numeric vector)


leading and trailing sections quieter than this proportion of maximum RMS amplitude are removed when calculating duration_noSilence (NULL = don't calculate duration_noSilence to save time)


a list of control parameters passed to getRMS


when processing multiple inputs, report estimated time left every ... iterations (NULL = default, NA = don't report)


number of cores for parallel processing

See Also

analyze getLoudness


Run this code
s = c(rep(0, 550), runif(400, -1, 1), rep(0, 50))
osc(s, samplingRate = 1000)
# true duration_noSilence is 400 ms
getDuration(s, samplingRate = 1000, silence = .01)
getDuration(s, samplingRate = 1000, silence = .1,
            rms = list(windowLength = 5, step = 1))

if (FALSE) {
d = getDuration('~/Downloads/temp')
hist(d$duration - d$duration_noSilence)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab