Prior for adjusting the estimated pitch certainties in analyze.
For ex., if primarily working with speech, we could prioritize pitch
candidates in the expected pitch range (100-1000 Hz) and decrease our
confidence in candidates with very high or very low frequency as unlikely but
still remotely possible. You can think of this as a "soft" alternative to
setting absolute pitch floor and ceiling. Algorithm: the multiplier for each
pitch candidate is the density of prior distribution with mean = priorMean
(Hz) and sd = priorSD (semitones) normalized so max = 1 over [pitchFloor,
pitchCeiling]. Useful for previewing the prior given to
Returns a numeric vector of certainties of length len if
pitchCands is NULL and a numeric matrix of the same dimensions as
pitchCands otherwise.
priorMean, priorSD
specifies the mean (Hz) and standard deviation
(semitones) of gamma distribution describing our prior knowledge about the
most likely pitch values for this file. For ex., priorMean = 300,
priorSD = 6 gives a prior with mean = 300 Hz and SD = 6 semitones (half
an octave). To avoid using any priors, set priorMean = NA, priorAdapt
the shape of prior distribution on the musical scale:
'normal' (mode = priorMean) or 'gamma' (skewed to lower frequencies)
pitchFloor, pitchCeiling
absolute bounds for pitch candidates (Hz)
the required length of output vector (resolution)
if TRUE, plots the prior
a matrix of pitch candidate frequencies (for internal
soundgen use)
additional graphical parameters passed on to plot()