# A quick example
s = soundgen(nSyl = 2, sylLen = 50, pauseLen = 25, addSilence = 15)
surp = getSurprisal(s, samplingRate = 16000)
if (FALSE) {
# A more meaningful example
sound = soundgen(nSyl = 5, sylLen = 150,
pauseLen = c(50, 50, 50, 130), pitch = c(200, 150),
noise = list(time = c(-300, 200), value = -20), plot = TRUE)
# playme(sound)
surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
yScale = 'bark', method = 'acf')
surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
yScale = 'bark', method = 'np') # very slow
surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
yScale = 'bark', method = 'acf', audSpec_pars = list(
nFilters = 128, yScale = 'ERB', bandwidth = 1/12))
# short window = amnesia (every event is equally surprising)
getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000, winSurp = 250)
# long window - remembers further into the past, Inf = from the beginning
surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000, winSurp = Inf)
# plot "pure" surprisal, without weighting by loudness
spectrogram(sound, 16000, extraContour = surp$detailed$surprisal /
max(surp$detailed$surprisal, na.rm = TRUE) * 8000)
# NB: surprisalLoudness contour is also log-transformed if yScale = 'log',
# so zeros become NAs
surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000, yScale = 'log')
# add bells and whistles
surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
yScale = 'mel',
osc = 'dB', # plot oscillogram in dB
heights = c(2, 1), # spectro/osc height ratio
brightness = -.1, # reduce brightness
# colorTheme = 'heat.colors', # pick color theme...
col = rev(hcl.colors(30, palette = 'Viridis')), # ...or specify the colors
cex.lab = .75, cex.axis = .75, # text size and other base graphics pars
ylim = c(0, 5), # always in kHz
main = 'Audiogram with surprisal contour', # title
extraContour = list(col = 'blue', lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# + axis labels, etc
surp = getSurprisal('~/Downloads/temp/', savePlots = '~/Downloads/temp/surp')
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