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soundgen (version 2.7.2)

interpolMatrix: Interpolate matrix


Internal soundgen function


interpolMatrix(m, nr = NULL, nc = NULL, interpol = c("approx", "spline")[1])



input matrix of numeric values

nr, nc

target dimensions


interpolation method ('approx' for linear, 'spline' for spline)


Performs a chosen type of interpolation (bilinear or spline) across both rows and columns of a matrix, in effect up- or downsampling a matrix to required dimensions. Rownames and colnames are also interpolated as needed.


Run this code
m = matrix(1:12 + rnorm(12, 0, .2), nrow = 3)
rownames(m) = 1:3; colnames(m) = 1:4
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(m)  # just returns the original
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(m, nr = 10, nc = 7)
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(m, nr = 10, nc = 7, interpol = 'spline')
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(m, nr = 2, nc = 7)
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(m, nr = 2, nc = 3)

# input matrices can have a single row/column
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(matrix(1:5, nrow = 1), nc = 9)
soundgen:::interpolMatrix(matrix(1:5, ncol = 1), nr = 5, nc = 3)

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