Internal soundgen function.
interpolWin_bin = 3,
interpolTol = 0.3,
interpolCert = 0.3
Returns a modified pitchCands matrix.
a matrix of multiple pitch candidates per fft frame. Each column is one fft frame, each row is one candidate (the last row is always "manual")
a matrix of the same dimensionality as pitchCands specifying our certainty in pitch candidates
numeric vector giving the mean of all pitch candidates per fft frame weighted by our certainty in each of these candidates
when interpolating pitch candidates, the median is
calculated over plus-minus interpolWin_bin
when interpolating pitch candidates, the criterion
for needing to interpolate is the absence of pitch candidates with values
within 1 plus-minus interpolTol
of the median of pitch center of
gravity over the interpolation window. For ex., if interpolTol
is .05, we look for values from 0.95 to 1.05 time the median value over
interpolation window.
when interpolating pitch candidates, all generated pitch
candidates are assigned a certainty equal to interpolCert
Interpolation: if a frame has no pitch candidate at all (NA) or no candidate between the most likely candidates for the adjacent frames, add such a candidate with some (low) certainty.