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soundgen (version 2.7.2)

morph: Morph sounds


Takes two formulas for synthesizing two target sounds with soundgen and produces a number of intermediate forms (morphs), attempting to go from one target sound to the other in a specified number of equal steps. Normally you will want to set temperature very low; the tempEffects argument is not supported.


  playMorphs = TRUE,
  savePath = NA,
  samplingRate = 16000


A list of two sublists ($formulas and $sounds), each of length nMorphs. For ex., the formula for the second hybrid is

m$formulas[[2]], and the waveform is m$sounds[[2]]


formula1, formula2

lists of parameters for calling soundgen that produce the two target sounds between which morphing will occur. Character strings containing the full call to soundgen are also accepted (see examples)


the number of morphs to produce, including target sounds


if TRUE, the morphs will be played


if it is the path to an existing directory, morphs will be saved there as individual .wav files (defaults to NA)


sampling rate of output, Hz. NB: overrides the values in formula1 and formula2

See Also



Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# write two formulas or copy-paste them from soundgen_app() or presets:
playback = c(TRUE, FALSE)[1]
# [a] to barking
m = morph(formula1 = list(repeatBout = 2),
          # equivalently: formula1 = 'soundgen(repeatBout = 2)',
          formula2 = presets$Misc$Dog_bark,
          nMorphs = 5, playMorphs = playback)
 # use $formulas to access formulas for each morph, $sounds for waveforms
 # m$formulas[[4]]
 # playme(m$sounds[[3]])

# morph intonation and vowel quality
m = morph(
  'soundgen(pitch = c(300, 250, 400),
            formants = c(350, 2900, 3600, 4700))',
  'soundgen(pitch = c(300, 700, 500, 300),
            formants = c(800, 1250, 3100, 4500))',
  nMorphs = 5, playMorphs = playback

# from a grunt of disgust to a moan of pleasure
m = morph(
  formula1 = 'soundgen(sylLen = 180, pitch = c(160, 160, 120), rolloff = -12,
    nonlinBalance = 70, subDep = 15, jitterDep = 2,
    formants = c(550, 1200, 2100, 4300, 4700, 6500, 7300),
    noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 180, 270), value = c(-25, -25, -40)),
    rolloffNoise = 0)',
  formula2 = 'soundgen(sylLen = 320, pitch = c(340, 330, 300),
    rolloff = c(-18, -16, -30), ampl = c(0, -10), formants = c(950, 1700, 3700),
    noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 300, 440), value = c(-35, -25, -65)),
    mouth = c(.4, .5), rolloffNoise = -5, attackLen = 30)',
  nMorphs = 8, playMorphs = playback

# from scream_010 to moan_515b
# (see online demos at http://cogsci.se/soundgen/humans/humans.html)
m = morph(
  formula1 = "soundgen(
    sylLen = 490,
    pitch = list(time = c(0, 80, 250, 370, 490),
    value = c(1000, 2900, 3200, 2900, 1000)),
    rolloff = c(-5, 0, -25), rolloffKHz = 0,
    temperature = 0.001,
    jitterDep = c(.5, 1, 0), shimmerDep = c(5, 15, 0),
    formants = c(1100, 2300, 3100, 4000, 5300, 6200),
    mouth = c(.3, .5, .6, .5, .3))",
  formula2 = "soundgen(sylLen = 520,
    pitch = c(300, 310, 300),
    ampl = c(0, -30),
    temperature = 0.001, rolloff = c(-18, -25),
    jitterDep = .05, shimmerDep = 2,
    formants = list(f1 = c(700, 900),
      f2 = c(1600, 1400),
      f3 = c(3600, 3500), f4 = c(4300, 4200)),
    mouth = c(.5, .3),
    noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 400, 660),
    value = c(-20, -10, -60)),
    rolloffNoise = c(-5, -15))",
 nMorphs = 5, playMorphs = playback

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab