## create some fake data
df = data.frame(group = rep(c(
rep('A', 150), rep('B', 50), rep('A', 120),
rep('A', 100), rep('B', 30), rep('A', 90)
), 3))
df$group = as.factor(df$group)
df$x1 = rnorm(nrow(df), mean = ifelse(df$group == 'A', 3, 6), sd = 2)
df$x2 = rnorm(nrow(df), mean = ifelse(df$group == 'A', 2, -1), sd = 2)
boxplot(x1 ~ group, df)
boxplot(x2 ~ group, df)
## train the classifier
mod_train = naiveBayes_train(group ~ x1 + x2, data = df)
## test on new data generated by the same process
test = data.frame(group = rep(c(
rep('A', 90), rep('B', 40), rep('A', 150),
rep('B', 40), rep('A', 130), rep('B', 30)
), 2))
test$group = as.factor(test$group)
test$x1 = rnorm(nrow(test), mean = ifelse(test$group == 'A', 3, 6), sd = 2)
test$x2 = rnorm(nrow(test), mean = ifelse(test$group == 'A', 2, -1), sd = 2)
# flat priors (same prior probability for each class)
nb_flat = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train, test = test,
prior = 'flat', plot = TRUE)
# same as passing 'train' directly to the model, w/o calling naiveBayes_train():
nb_flat = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = df, test = test, prior = 'flat')
table(nb_flat$group, nb_flat$pr)
mean(nb_flat$group == nb_flat$pr) # 84% correct
# static priors (use original class proportions as prior class probabilities)
nb_static = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train, test = test,
prior = 'static', wlClumper = NULL, plot = TRUE)
table(nb_static$group, nb_static$pr)
mean(nb_static$group == nb_static$pr) # 87% correct
# specify custom static priors
mod_train2 = mod_train
mod_train2$table = list(A = .1, B = .9) # sum to 1
nb_static2 = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train2, test = test,
prior = 'static', wlClumper = NULL, plot = TRUE)
mean(nb_static2$group == nb_static2$pr) # 61% correct
# if we expect autocorrelation, ie class X is more likely a priori if the
# last few observations were also likely to be class X, we can use dynamic
# priors and/or clumper the predicted classes (the latter imposes strong
# constraints on the predictions, but may be worth it if the data is known to
# be strongly "clumpered", ie if we know classes occur in long'ish runs)
nb1 = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train, test = test,
prior = 'dynamic', wlPrior = 10, plot = TRUE)
table(nb1$group, nb1$pr)
mean(nb1$group == nb1$pr) # 94% correct
nb2 = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train, test = test,
prior = 'static', wlClumper = 10, plot = TRUE)
table(nb2$group, nb2$pr)
mean(nb2$group == nb2$pr) # 89% correct
nb3 = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train, test = test,
prior = 'dynamic', wlPrior = 10, wlClumper = 10, plot = TRUE)
table(nb3$group, nb3$pr)
mean(nb3$group == nb3$pr) # 98% correct
# NAs in the data are not a problem
test1 = test
test1$x1[sample(1:nrow(test1), 100)] = NA
test1$x2[sample(1:nrow(test1), 10)] = NA
nb4 = naiveBayes(group ~ x1 + x2, train = mod_train, test = test,
prior = 'dynamic', wlPrior = 10, plot = TRUE)
table(nb4$group, nb4$pr)
mean(nb4$group == nb4$pr) # still 94% correct
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