x = c(rep(1, 3), rep(0, 4), rep(1, 3), rep(0, 4), rep(1, 3), 0, 0)
nonlinPred(x, 5, plot = TRUE)
nonlinPred(sin(1:25), 22, plot = TRUE)
x = soundgen(sylLen = 50, addSilence = 0)[250:450]
nonlinPred(x, 100, plot = TRUE)
nonlinPred(c(rnorm(5), NA, rnorm(3)))
if (FALSE) {
s1 = soundgen(sylLen = 500, pitch = rnorm(5, 200, 20),
addSilence = 0, plot = TRUE)
# we can predict output that is longer than the original time series by
# predicting a bit at a time and using the output as the new input
s2 = nonlinPred(s1, 16000)
spectrogram(c(s1, s2))
playme(c(s1, s2))
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