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soundgen (version 2.7.2)

prosody: Prosody


Exaggerates or flattens the intonation by performing a dynamic pitch shift, changing pitch excursion from its original median value without changing the formants. This is a particular case of pitch shifting, which is performed with shiftPitch. The result is likely to be improved if manually corrected pitch contours are provided. Depending on the nature of audio, the settings that control pitch shifting may also need to be fine-tuned with the shiftPitch_pars argument.


  samplingRate = NULL,
  analyze_pars = list(),
  shiftPitch_pars = list(),
  pitchManual = NULL,
  play = FALSE,
  saveAudio = NULL,
  reportEvery = NULL,
  cores = 1,
  plot = FALSE,
  savePlots = NULL,
  width = 900,
  height = 500,
  units = "px",
  res = NA,


If the input is a single audio (file, Wave, or numeric vector), returns the processed waveform as a numeric vector with the original sampling rate and scale. If the input is a folder with several audio files, returns a list of processed waveforms, one for each file.



path to a folder, one or more wav or mp3 files c('file1.wav', 'file2.mp3'), Wave object, numeric vector, or a list of Wave objects or numeric vectors


sampling rate of x (only needed if x is a numeric vector)


multiplier of pitch excursion from median (on a logarithmic or musical scale): >1 = exaggerate intonation, 1 = no change, <1 = flatten, 0 = completely flat at the original median pitch


a list of parameters to pass to analyze (only needed if pitchManual is NULL - that is, if we attempt to track pitch automatically)


a list of parameters to pass to shiftPitch to fine-tune the pitch-shifting algorithm


manually corrected pitch contour. For a single sound, provide a numeric vector of any length. For multiple sounds, provide a dataframe with columns "file" and "pitch" (or path to a csv file) as returned by pitch_app, ideally with the same windowLength and step as in current call to analyze. A named list with pitch vectors per file is also OK (eg as returned by pitch_app)


if TRUE, plays the processed audio


full (!) path to folder for saving the processed audio; NULL = don't save, '' = same as input folder (NB: overwrites the originals!)


when processing multiple inputs, report estimated time left every ... iterations (NULL = default, NA = don't report)


number of cores for parallel processing


should a spectrogram be plotted? TRUE / FALSE


full path to the folder in which to save the plots (NULL = don't save, '' = same folder as audio)

width, height, units, res

graphical parameters for saving plots passed to png


other graphical parameters

See Also



Run this code
s = soundgen(sylLen = 200, pitch = c(150, 220), addSilence = 50,
             plot = TRUE, yScale = 'log')
# playme(s)
s1 = prosody(s, 16000, multProsody = 2,
  analyze_pars = list(windowLength = 30, step = 15),
  shiftPitch_pars = list(windowLength = 20, step = 5, freqWindow = 300),
  plot = TRUE)
# playme(s1)
# spectrogram(s1, 16000, yScale = 'log')

if (FALSE) {
# Flat intonation - remove all frequency modulation
s2 = prosody(s, 16000, multProsody = 0,
  analyze_pars = list(windowLength = 30, step = 15),
  shiftPitch_pars = list(windowLength = 20, step = 1, freqWindow = 500),
  plot = TRUE)
spectrogram(s2, 16000, yScale = 'log')

# Download an example - a bit of speech (sampled at 16000 Hz)
              destfile = '~/Downloads/temp1/speechEx.wav')
target = '~/Downloads/temp1/speechEx.wav'
samplingRate = tuneR::readWave(target)@samp.rate
spectrogram(target, yScale = 'log')

s3 = prosody(target, multProsody = 1.5,
  analyze_pars = list(windowLength = 30, step = 15),
  shiftPitch_pars = list(freqWindow = 400, propagation = 'adaptive'))
spectrogram(s3, tuneR::readWave(target)@samp.rate, yScale = 'log')

# process all audio files in a folder
s4 = prosody('~/Downloads/temp', multProsody = 2, savePlots = '',
             saveAudio = '~/Downloads/temp/prosody')
str(s4)  # returns a list with audio (+ saves it to disk)

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