## CASE 1: known VTL
# If vocal tract length is known, we calculate expected formant frequencies
schwa(vocalTract = 17.5)
schwa(vocalTract = 13, nForm = 5)
schwa(vocalTract = 13, nForm = 5, tube = 'open-open')
## CASE 2: known (observed) formant frequencies
# Let's take formant frequencies in four vocalizations, namely
# (/a/, /i/, /mmm/, /roar/) by the same male speaker:
formants_a = c(860, 1430, 2900, NA, 5200) # NAs are OK - here F4 is unknown
s_a = schwa(formants = formants_a, plot = TRUE)
# We get an estimate of VTL (s_a$vtl_apparent),
# same as with estimateVTL(formants_a)
# We also get theoretical schwa formants: s_a$ff_schwa
# And we get the difference (% and semitones) in observed vs expected
# formant frequencies: s_a[c('ff_relative', 'ff_relative_semitones')]
# [a]: F1 much higher than expected, F2 slightly lower (see plot)
formants_i = c(300, 2700, 3400, 4400, 5300, 6400)
s_i = schwa(formants = formants_i, plot = TRUE)
# The apparent VTL is slightly smaller (14.5 cm)
# [i]: very low F1, very high F2
formants_mmm = c(1200, 2000, 2800, 3800, 5400, 6400)
schwa(formants_mmm, tube = 'closed-closed', plot = TRUE)
# ~schwa, but with a closed mouth
formants_roar = c(550, 1000, 1460, 2280, 3350,
4300, 4900, 5800, 6900, 7900)
s_roar = schwa(formants = formants_roar, plot = TRUE)
# Note the enormous apparent VTL (22.5 cm!)
# (lowered larynx and rounded lips exaggerate the apparent size)
# s_roar$ff_relative: high F1 and low F2-F4
schwa(formants = formants_roar[1:4], plot = TRUE)
# based on F1-F4, apparent VTL is almost 28 cm!
# Since the lowest formants are the most salient,
# the apparent size is exaggerated even further
# If you know VTL, a few lower formants are enough to get
# a good estimate of the relative formant values:
schwa(formants = formants_roar[1:4], vocalTract = 19, plot = TRUE)
# NB: in this case theoretical and relative formants are calculated
# based on user-provided VTL (vtl_measured) rather than vtl_apparent
## CASE 3: from relative to absolute formant frequencies
# Say we want to generate a vowel sound with F1 20% below schwa
# and F2 40% above schwa, with VTL = 15 cm
s = schwa(formants_relative = c(-20, 40), vocalTract = 15, plot = TRUE)
# s$ff_schwa gives formant frequencies for a schwa, while
# s$ff_theoretical gives formant frequencies for a sound with
# target relative formant values (low F1, high F2)
schwa(formants = s$ff_theoretical)
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