- x
path to a folder, one or more wav or mp3 files c('file1.wav',
'file2.mp3'), Wave object, numeric vector, or a list of Wave objects or
numeric vectors
- samplingRate
sampling rate of x
(only needed if x
is a
numeric vector)
- scale
maximum possible amplitude of input used for normalization of
input vector (only needed if x
is a numeric vector)
- from, to
if NULL (default), analyzes the whole sound, otherwise
from...to (s)
- shortestSyl
minimum acceptable length of syllables, ms
- shortestPause
minimum acceptable break between syllables, ms
(syllables separated by shorter pauses are merged)
- method
the signal used to search for syllables: 'env' =
Hilbert-transformed amplitude envelope, 'spec' = spectrogram, 'mel' =
mel-transformed spectrogram (see tuneR::melfcc)
- propNoise
the proportion of non-zero sound assumed to represent
background noise, 0 to 1 (note that complete silence is not considered, so
padding with silence won't affect the algorithm)
expected signal-to-noise ratio (dB above noise), which determines
the threshold for syllable detection. The meaning of "dB" here is
approximate since the "signal" may be different from sound intensity
- noiseLevelStabWeight
a vector of length 2 specifying the relative
weights of the overall signal level vs. stability when attempting to
automatically locate the regions that represent noise. Increasing the
weight of stability tends to accentuate the beginning and end of each
- windowLength
length of FFT window, ms
- step
you can override overlap
by specifying FFT step, ms (NB:
because digital audio is sampled at discrete time intervals of
1/samplingRate, the actual step and thus the time stamps of STFT frames
may be slightly different, eg 24.98866 instead of 25.0 ms)
- overlap
overlap between successive FFT frames, %
- reverbPars
parameters passed on to reverb
to attempt to
cancel the effects of reverberation or echo, which otherwise tend to merge
short and loud segments like rapid barks
- interburst
minimum time between two consecutive bursts (ms). Defaults
to the average detected (syllable + pause) / 2
- peakToTrough
to qualify as a burst, a local maximum has to be at least
dB above the left and/or right local trough(s)
(controlled by troughLocation
) over the analysis window (controlled
by interburst
). Defaults to SNR + 3 dB
- troughLocation
should local maxima be compared to the trough on the
left and/or right of it? Values: 'left', 'right', 'both', 'either'
- summaryFun
functions used to summarize each acoustic characteristic;
see analyze
- maxDur
long files are split into chunks maxDur
s in duration to
avoid running out of RAM; the outputs for all fragments are glued together,
but plotting is switched off. Note that noise profile is estimated in each
chunk separately, so set it low if the background noise is highly variable
- reportEvery
when processing multiple inputs, report estimated time
left every ... iterations (NULL = default, NA = don't report)
- cores
number of cores for parallel processing
- plot
if TRUE, produces a segmentation plot
- savePlots
full path to the folder in which to save the plots (NULL =
don't save, '' = same folder as audio)
- saveAudio
full path to the folder in which to save audio files (one
per detected syllable)
- addSilence
if syllables are saved as separate audio files, they can be
padded with some silence (ms)
- xlab, ylab, main
main plotting parameters
- showLegend
if TRUE, shows a legend for thresholds
- width, height, units, res
parameters passed to
if the plot is saved
- maxPoints
the maximum number of "pixels" in the oscillogram (if any)
and spectrogram; good for quickly plotting long audio files; defaults to
c(1e5, 5e5)
- specPlot
a list of graphical parameters for displaying the spectrogram
(if method = 'spec' or 'mel'
); set to NULL to hide the spectrogram
- contourPlot
a list of graphical parameters for displaying the signal
contour used to detect syllables (see details)
- sylPlot
a list of graphical parameters for displaying the syllables
- burstPlot
a list of graphical parameters for displaying the bursts
- ...
other graphical parameters passed to graphics::plot