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wavethresh (version 4.6.9)

basisplot.wp: Function to graphically select a wavelet packet basis


Note, one or two (depending on the state of draw.mode) graphics windows with mouse-clickable interfaces have to open to use this function.

Graphically select a wavelet packet basis associated with a wavelet packet object. Left-click selects packets, right click exits the routine.


# S3 method for wp
basisplot(x, draw.mode=FALSE, …)



The wp.object for which you wish to select a basis graphically for.


If TRUE then TWO graphics windows have to be open. Every time a packet is selected in the packet selection window, a representation of the wavelet packet basis function is drawn in the other window

Other arguments


An object of class nvwp which contains the specification for the basis.


A wavelet packet basis described in WaveThresh using the node vector object (class from MaNoVe.wp) which for wavelet packets is nvwp. This function takes a wp.object object and graphically depicts all possible basis function locations. The user is then invited to click on different packets, these change colour. When finished, the user right clicks on the graphic and the selected basis is returned.

Note that the routine does not check to see whether the basis is legal. You have to do this. A legal basis can select packets from different levels, however you can't select packets that both cover the same packet index, however every packet index has to be covered.

A better function would check basis legality!

See Also

addpkt, InvBasis, MaNoVe.wp, plotpkt, wp