#To see the housekeeping variables for a decomposition with
# 4 filter coefficient matices
# 5 resolution levels and a decimation scale of two
# use:
# $first.last.c:
# First Last Offset
# [1,] 0 0 62
# [2,] 0 1 60
# [3,] 0 3 56
# [4,] 0 7 48
# [5,] 0 15 32
# [6,] 0 31 0
# $nvecs.c:
# [1] 63
# $first.last.d:
# First Last Offset
# [1,] 0 0 30
# [2,] 0 1 28
# [3,] 0 3 24
# [4,] 0 7 16
# [5,] 0 15 0
# $nvecs.d:
# [1] 31
# }
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