## Not run:
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## Analysis of Hedges & Olkin dataset
# ## re-analyzed in Iyengar & Greenhouse, Dear & Begg
# ##------------------------------------------
# data(education)
# t <- education$t
# q <- education$q
# N <- education$N
# y <- education$theta
# u <- sqrt(2 / N)
# n <- length(y)
# k <- 1 + floor(n / 2)
# lam1 <- 2
# ## compute p-values
# p <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(t))
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## compute all weight functions available
# ## in this package
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## weight functions from Iyengar & Greenhouse (1988)
# res1 <- IyenGreenMLE(t, q, N, type = 1)
# res2 <- IyenGreenMLE(t, q, N, type = 2)
# ## weight function from Dear & Begg (1992)
# res3 <- DearBegg(y, u, lam = lam1)
# ## monotone version of Dear & Begg, as introduced in Rufibach (2011)
# set.seed(1977)
# res4 <- DearBeggMonotone(y, u, lam = lam1, maxiter = 1000, CR = 1)
# ## plot
# plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "p-values",
# ylab = "estimated weight function")
# ps <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
# rug(p, lwd = 3)
# lines(ps, IyenGreenWeight(-qnorm(ps / 2), b = res1$beta, q = 50,
# type = 1, alpha = 0.05), lwd = 3, col = 2)
# lines(ps, IyenGreenWeight(-qnorm(ps / 2), b = res2$beta, q = 50,
# type = 2, alpha = 0.05), lwd = 3, col = 4)
# weightLine(p, w = res3$w, col0 = 3, lwd0 = 3, lty0 = 2)
# weightLine(p, w = res4$w, col0 = 6, lwd0 = 2, lty0 = 1)
# legend("topright", c(expression("Iyengar & Greenhouse (1988) w"[1]),
# expression("Iyengar & Greenhouse (1988) w"[2]), "Dear and Begg (1992)",
# "Rufibach (2011)"), col = c(2, 4, 3, 6), lty = c(1, 1, 2, 1),
# lwd = c(3, 3, 3, 2), bty = "n")
# ## compute selection bias
# eta <- sqrt(res4$sigma ^ 2 + res4$u ^ 2)
# bias <- effectBias(res4$y, res4$u, res4$w, res4$theta, eta)
# bias
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## Compute p-value to assess null hypothesis of no selection,
# ## as described in Rufibach (2011, Section 6)
# ## We use the package 'meta' to compute initial estimates for
# ## theta and sigma
# ##------------------------------------------
# library(meta)
# ## compute null parameters
# meta.edu <- metagen(TE = y, seTE = u, sm = "MD", level = 0.95,
# comb.fixed = TRUE, comb.random = TRUE)
# theta0 <- meta.edu$TE.random
# sigma0 <- meta.edu$tau
# M <- 1000
# res <- DearBeggMonotonePvalSelection(y, u, theta0, sigma0, lam = lam1,
# M = M, maxiter = 1000)
# ## plot all the computed monotone functions
# plot(0, 0, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), type = "n", xlab = "p-values",
# ylab = expression(w(p)))
# abline(v = 0.05, lty = 3)
# for (i in 1:M){weightLine(p, w = res$res.mono[1:k, i], col0 = grey(0.8),
# lwd0 = 1, lty0 = 1)}
# rug(p, lwd = 2)
# weightLine(p, w = res$mono0, col0 = 2, lwd0 = 1, lty0 = 1)
# ## =======================================================================
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## Analysis second-hand tobacco smoke dataset
# ## Rothstein et al (2005), Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis, Appendix A
# ##------------------------------------------
# data(passive_smoking)
# u <- passive_smoking$selnRR
# y <- passive_smoking$lnRR
# n <- length(y)
# k <- 1 + floor(n / 2)
# lam1 <- 2
# res2 <- DearBegg(y, u, lam = lam1)
# set.seed(1)
# res3 <- DearBeggMonotone(y = y, u = u, lam = lam1, maxiter = 2000, CR = 1)
# plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 19, col = 1,
# xlab = "p-values", ylab = "estimated weight function")
# weightLine(rev(sort(res2$p)), w = res2$w, col0 = 2, lwd0 = 3, lty0 = 2)
# weightLine(rev(sort(res3$p)), w = res3$w, col0 = 4, lwd0 = 2, lty0 = 1)
# legend("bottomright", c("Dear and Begg (1992)", "Rufibach (2011)"), col =
# c(2, 4), lty = c(2, 1), lwd = c(3, 2), bty = "n")
# ## compute selection bias
# eta <- sqrt(res3$sigma ^ 2 + res3$u ^ 2)
# bias <- effectBias(res3$y, res3$u, res3$w, res3$theta, eta)
# bias
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## Compute p-value to assess null hypothesis of no selection
# ##------------------------------------------
# ## compute null parameters
# meta.toba <- metagen(TE = y, seTE = u, sm = "MD", level = 0.95,
# comb.fixed = TRUE, comb.random = TRUE)
# theta0 <- meta.toba$TE.random
# sigma0 <- meta.toba$tau
# M <- 1000
# res <- DearBeggMonotonePvalSelection(y, u, theta0, sigma0, lam = lam1,
# M = M, maxiter = 2000)
# ## plot all the computed monotone functions
# plot(0, 0, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), type = "n", xlab = "p-values",
# ylab = expression(w(p)))
# abline(v = 0.05, lty = 3)
# for (i in 1:M){weightLine(p, w = res$res.mono[1:k, i], col0 = grey(0.8),
# lwd0 = 1, lty0 = 1)}
# rug(p, lwd = 2)
# weightLine(p, w = res$mono0, col0 = 2, lwd0 = 1, lty0 = 1)
# ## End(Not run)
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