# Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg, Hommel and Fixed-sequence procedure
proc = c("BonferroniAdj", "HolmAdj", "HochbergAdj", "HommelAdj", "FixedSeqAdj", "FallbackAdj")
rawp = c(0.012, 0.009, 0.023)
# Equally weighted
sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustPvalues(rawp,
proc = x)})
# Unequally weighted (no effect on the fixed-sequence procedure)
sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustPvalues(rawp,
proc = x,
par = parameters(weight = c(1/2, 1/4, 1/4)))})
# Dunnett procedures
# Compute one-sided adjusted p-values for the single-step Dunnett procedure
# Three null hypotheses of no effect are tested in the trial:
# Null hypothesis H1: No difference between Dose 1 and Placebo
# Null hypothesis H2: No difference between Dose 2 and Placebo
# Null hypothesis H3: No difference between Dose 3 and Placebo
# Treatment effect estimates (mean dose-placebo differences)
est = c(2.3,2.5,1.9)
# Pooled standard deviation
sd = 9.5
# Study design is balanced with 180 patients per treatment arm
n = 180
# Standard errors
stderror = rep(sd*sqrt(2/n),3)
# T-statistics associated with the three dose-placebo tests
stat = est/stderror
# One-sided pvalue
rawp = 1-pt(stat,2*(n-1))
# Adjusted p-values based on the Dunnett procedures
# (assuming that each test statistic follows a t distribution)
AdjustPvalues(rawp,proc = "DunnettAdj",par = parameters(n = n))
AdjustPvalues(rawp,proc = "StepDownDunnettAdj",par = parameters(n = n))
# Parallel gatekeeping
# Consider a clinical trial with two families of null hypotheses
# Family 1: Primary null hypotheses (one-sided p-values)
# H1 (Endpoint 1), p1=0.0082
# H2 (Endpoint 2), p2=0.0174
# Family 2: Secondary null hypotheses (one-sided p-values)
# H3 (Endpoint 3), p3=0.0042
# H4 (Endpoint 4), p4=0.0180
# Define raw p-values
rawp<-c(0.0082,0.0174, 0.0042,0.0180)
# Define hHypothesis included in each family
family = families(family1 = c(1, 2),
family2 = c(3, 4))
# Define component procedure of each family
component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj",
family2 = "HolmAdj")
# Truncation parameter of each family
gamma = families(family1 = 0.5,
family2 = 1)
adjustp = AdjustPvalues(rawp,
proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj",
par = parameters(family = family,
proc = component.procedure,
gamma = gamma))
# }
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