The bssm
R package provides efficient methods for Bayesian inference
of state space models via particle Markov chain Monte Carlo and
importance sampling type weighted MCMC. Currently Gaussian, Poisson,
binomial, negative binomial, and Gamma observation densities with
linear-Gaussian state dynamics, as well as general non-linear Gaussian
models and discretely observed latent diffusion processes are supported.
For details, see
- The bssm paper on The R Journal,
- Package vignettes at CRAN
- Paper on Importance sampling type estimators based on approximate marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo
There are also couple posters and a talk related to IS-correction methodology and bssm package:
- UseR!2021 talk slides
- SMC 2017 workshop: Accelerating MCMC with an approximation
- UseR!2017: Bayesian non-Gaussian state space models in R
The bssm
package was originally developed with the support of Academy
of Finland grants 284513, 312605, 311877, and 331817. Current
development is focused on increased usability. For recent changes, see
NEWS file.
Citing the package
If you use the bssm
package in publications, please cite the
corresponding R Journal paper:
Jouni Helske and Matti Vihola (2021). “bssm: Bayesian Inference of Non-linear and Non-Gaussian State Space Models in R.” The R Journal (2021) 13:2, pages 578-589.
You can install the released version of bssm from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Or from R-universe with
install.packages("bssm", repos = "")
Consider the daily air quality measurements in New Your from May to
September 1973, available in the datasets
package. Let’s try to
predict the missing ozone levels by simple linear-Gaussian local linear
trend model with temperature and wind as explanatory variables (missing
response variables are handled naturally in the state space modelling
framework, however no missing values in covariates are normally
#> Warning: package 'bssm' was built under R version 4.3.1
#> Attaching package: 'bssm'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> gamma
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.3.1
data("airquality", package = "datasets")
# Covariates as matrix. For complex cases, check out as_bssm function
xreg <- airquality |> select(Wind, Temp) |> as.matrix()
model <- bsm_lg(airquality$Ozone,
xreg = xreg,
# Define priors for hyperparameters (i.e. not the states), see ?bssm_prior
# Initial value followed by parameters of the prior distribution
beta = normal_prior(rep(0, ncol(xreg)), 0, 1),
sd_y = gamma_prior(1, 2, 0.01),
sd_level = gamma_prior(1, 2, 0.01),
sd_slope = gamma_prior(1, 2, 0.01))
fit <- run_mcmc(model, iter = 20000, burnin = 5000)
#> Call:
#> run_mcmc.lineargaussian(model = model, iter = 20000, burnin = 5000)
#> Iterations = 5001:20000
#> Thinning interval = 1
#> Length of the final jump chain = 3593
#> Acceptance rate after the burn-in period: 0.239
#> Summary for theta:
#> variable Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
#> Temp 1.0265846 0.007497538 0.2064343 0.60226671 1.400436 758
#> Wind -2.5183269 0.020978488 0.5764833 -3.68987992 -1.327578 755
#> sd_level 6.3731836 0.113153715 2.8013937 1.52958636 12.403961 613
#> sd_slope 0.3388712 0.010355574 0.2833955 0.04210885 1.070284 749
#> sd_y 20.8618647 0.068145131 1.9369381 17.08728231 24.722309 808
#> Summary for alpha_154:
#> variable time Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
#> level 154 -28.3163054 0.69650977 20.132341 -69.271049 11.797133 835
#> slope 154 -0.3740463 0.03683278 1.685733 -4.065499 2.830134 2094
#> Run time:
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.57 0.02 0.63
obs <- data.frame(Time = 1:nrow(airquality),
Ozone = airquality$Ozone) |> filter(!
pred <- fitted(fit, model)
pred |>
ggplot(aes(x = Time, y = Mean)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = `2.5%`, ymax = `97.5%`),
alpha = 0.5, fill = "steelblue") +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = obs,
aes(x = Time, y = Ozone), colour = "Tomato") +
Same model but now assuming observations are from Gamma distribution:
model2 <- bsm_ng(airquality$Ozone,
xreg = xreg,
beta = normal(rep(0, ncol(xreg)), 0, 1),
distribution = "gamma",
phi = gamma_prior(1, 2, 0.01),
sd_level = gamma_prior(1, 2, 0.1),
sd_slope = gamma_prior(1, 2, 0.1))
fit2 <- run_mcmc(model2, iter = 20000, burnin = 5000, particles = 10)
#> Call:
#> run_mcmc.nongaussian(model = model2, iter = 20000, particles = 10,
#> burnin = 5000)
#> Iterations = 5001:20000
#> Thinning interval = 1
#> Length of the final jump chain = 3858
#> Acceptance rate after the burn-in period: 0.257
#> Summary for theta:
#> variable Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
#> Temp 0.052808820 0.0002404538 0.008701489 0.0353736458 0.06992423 1310
#> Wind -0.057351094 0.0004338213 0.015411504 -0.0873384757 -0.02700112 1262
#> phi 4.006977632 0.0159088062 0.536273508 3.0263444882 5.15527365 1136
#> sd_level 0.057158663 0.0020138200 0.035366227 0.0083794202 0.14651419 308
#> sd_slope 0.003894013 0.0001752319 0.003654978 0.0004250207 0.01374575 435
#> 7.128104e-05 14485
#> 1.263047e-04 13905
#> 4.411840e-03 14611
#> 2.927386e-04 10591
#> 3.031489e-05 7766
#> Summary for alpha_154:
#> variable time Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
#> level 154 -0.200656509 0.0201721601 0.73134471 -1.62501396 1.24522802 1314
#> slope 154 -0.002689176 0.0005121944 0.02289051 -0.04650504 0.04724173 1997
#> 0.005987284 9458
#> 0.000191620 6448
#> Run time:
#> user system elapsed
#> 7.50 0.01 7.71
pred2 <- fitted(fit2, model2)
bind_rows(list(Gaussian = pred, Gamma = pred2), .id = "Model") |>
ggplot(aes(x = Time, y = Mean)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = `2.5%`, ymax = `97.5%`, fill = Model),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_line(aes(colour = Model)) +
geom_point(data = obs,
aes(x = Time, y = Ozone)) +
Now let’s assume that we also want to use the solar radiation variable as predictor for ozone. As it contains few missing values, we cannot use it directly. As the number of missing time points is very small, simple imputation would likely be acceptable, but let’s consider more another approach. For simplicity, the slope terms of the previous models are now omitted, and we focus on the Gaussian case. Let $\mu_t$ be the true solar radiation at time $t$. Now for ozone $O_t$ we assume following model:
$O_t = D_t + \alpha_t + \beta_S \mu_t + \sigma_\epsilon \epsilon_t$
$\alpha_{t+1} = \alpha_t + \sigma_\eta\eta_t$
$\alpha_1 \sim N(0, 100^2\textrm{I})$,
wheere $D_t = \beta X_t$ contains regression terms related to wind and
temperature, $\alpha_t$ is the time varying intercept term, and
$\beta_S$ is the effect of solar radiation $\mu_t$.
Now for the observed solar radiation $S_t$ we assume
$S_t = \mu_t$
$\mu_{t+1} = \mu_t + \sigma_\xi\xi_t,$
$\mu_1 \sim N(0, 100^2)$,
i.e. we assume as simple random walk for the $\mu$ which we observe
without error or not at all (there is no error term in the observation
equation $S_t=\mu_t$).
We combine these two models as a bivariate Gaussian model with
# predictors (not including solar radiation) for ozone
xreg <- airquality |> select(Wind, Temp) |> as.matrix()
# Function which outputs new model components given the parameter vector theta
update_fn <- function(theta) {
D <- rbind(t(xreg %*% theta[1:2]), 1)
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0, theta[3], 1), 2, 2)
R <- diag(exp(theta[4:5]))
H <- diag(c(exp(theta[6]), 0))
# add third dimension so we have p x n x 1, p x m x 1, p x p x 1 arrays
dim(Z)[3] <- dim(R)[3] <- dim(H)[3] <- 1
list(D = D, Z = Z, R = R, H = H)
# Function for log-prior density
prior_fn <- function(theta) {
sum(dnorm(theta[1:3], 0, 10, log = TRUE)) +
sum(dgamma(exp(theta[4:6]), 2, 0.01, log = TRUE)) +
sum(theta[4:6]) # log-jacobian
init_theta <- c(0, 0, 0, log(50), log(5), log(20))
comps <- update_fn(init_theta)
model <- ssm_mlg(y = cbind(Ozone = airquality$Ozone, Solar = airquality$Solar.R),
Z = comps$Z, D = comps$D, H = comps$H, T = diag(2), R = comps$R,
a1 = rep(0, 2), P1 = diag(100, 2), init_theta = init_theta,
state_names = c("alpha", "mu"), update_fn = update_fn,
prior_fn = prior_fn)
fit <- run_mcmc(model, iter = 60000, burnin = 10000)
#> Call:
#> run_mcmc.lineargaussian(model = model, iter = 60000, burnin = 10000)
#> Iterations = 10001:60000
#> Thinning interval = 1
#> Length of the final jump chain = 12234
#> Acceptance rate after the burn-in period: 0.245
#> Summary for theta:
#> variable Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
#> theta_1 -3.89121114 0.0233827004 0.58715113 -5.0085134 -2.6915137 631
#> theta_2 0.98712126 0.0051506907 0.18819758 0.5917823 1.3475147 1335
#> theta_3 0.06324657 0.0004672314 0.02417334 0.0141425 0.1100184 2677
#> theta_4 0.82577262 0.0165661049 0.67134723 -0.6840637 1.9160168 1642
#> theta_5 4.75567621 0.0010887250 0.05858454 4.6446809 4.8704036 2895
#> theta_6 3.05462451 0.0014803971 0.07640392 2.9032635 3.2028023 2664
#> Summary for alpha_154:
#> variable time Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
#> alpha 154 -16.44435 0.3659912 14.99708 -46.321645 13.01863 1679
#> mu 154 223.60490 1.3409568 116.49063 -6.206301 453.18554 7546
#> Run time:
#> user system elapsed
#> 7.41 0.11 7.83
Draw predictions:
pred <- fitted(fit, model)
obs <- data.frame(Time = 1:nrow(airquality),
Solar = airquality$Solar.R) |> filter(!
pred |> filter(Variable == "Solar") |>
ggplot(aes(x = Time, y = Mean)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = `2.5%`, ymax = `97.5%`),
alpha = 0.5, fill = "steelblue") +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = obs,
aes(x = Time, y = Solar), colour = "Tomato") +
obs <- data.frame(Time = 1:nrow(airquality),
Ozone = airquality$Ozone) |> filter(!
pred |> filter(Variable == "Ozone") |>
ggplot(aes(x = Time, y = Mean)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = `2.5%`, ymax = `97.5%`),
alpha = 0.5, fill = "steelblue") +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = obs,
aes(x = Time, y = Ozone), colour = "Tomato") +
See more examples in the paper, vignettes, and in the docs.