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eplusr (version 0.9.4)

Idf: Read, modify, and run an EnergyPlus model


eplusr provides parsing EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF) files and strings in a hierarchical structure, which was extremely inspired by OpenStudio utilities library, but with total different data structure under the hook.



eplusr uses Idf class to present the whole IDF file and use IdfObject to present a single object in IDF. Both Idf and IdfObject contain member functions for helping modify the data in IDF so it complies with the underlying IDD (EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary).

Under the hook, eplusr uses a SQL-like structure to store both IDF and IDD data in data.frame format. To speed up the whole process, the data.table::data.table() is used instead of the base data.frame. Every IDF is parsed and stored in four tables:

  • object: contains object IDs and names.

  • value: contains field values.

  • comment: contains object comments.

  • value_reference: contains cross-reference of field values.

IDD file is parsed and stored in a similar structure. For details, please see Idd class.

So to modify an EnergyPlus model in eplusr is equal to change the data in those four tables accordingly, in the context of specific IDD data.

All IDF reading process starts with read_idf() which returns an Idf object. The model will be printed in a similar style you see in IDFEditor, with additional heading lines show the Path, Version of the model. The classes of objects in the model are ordered by group and the number of objects in classes are shown in square bracket.


model$group_name(all = FALSE)
model$class_name(all = FALSE)
model$is_valid_group(group, all = FALSE)
model$is_valid_class(class, all = FALSE)
model$object_id(class = NULL, simplify = FALSE)
model$object_name(class = NULL, simplify = FALSE)
model$object_num(class = NULL)
model$search_object(pattern, class = NULL)
model$dup_object(object, new_name = NULL)
model$add_object(class, value = NULL, comment = NULL, default = TRUE, all = FALSE)
model$del_object(object, referenced = FALSE)
model$replace_value(pattern, replacement)
model$string(comment = TRUE, header = TRUE, ...)
model$save(path = NULL, format = c("sorted", "new_top", "new_bot"), overwrite = FALSE, copy_external = TRUE)
model$clone(deep = FALSE)
model$run(weather = NULL, dir = NULL, wait = TRUE, force = FALSE, copy_external = FALSE)
model$print(plain = FALSE)

Basic Info

model$group_name(all = FALSE)
model$class_name(all = FALSE)
model$is_valid_group(group, all = FALSE)
model$is_valid_class(class, all = FALSE)

$version() will return the version of current model.

$path() will return the path of current model or NULL if the model is created using a character vector.

$group_name() will return all groups the model contains when all is FALSE or all groups the Idd contains when all is TRUE.

$class_name() will return all classes the model contains when all is FALSE or all classes the Idd contains when all is TRUE.

$is_valid_group() will return TRUEs if given group names are valid for current model (when all is FALSE) or current Idd (when all is TRUE).

$is_valid_class() will return TRUEs if given class names are valid for current model (when all is FALSE) or current Idd (when all is TRUE).


  • all: If FALSE, only values in current model will be returned. If TRUE, all values in Idd will be returned. Default: FALSE.

  • group: A character vector contains group names.

  • class: A character vector contains class names.



$definition() will return the definitions, i.e. the IddObjects, of given classes which contain all data used for parsing IdfObjects. For details of IdfObject, please see IddObject class.


  • class: A character vector contains class names.

Object Info

model$object_id(class = NULL, simplify = FALSE)
model$object_name(class = NULL, simplify = FALSE)
model$object_num(class = NULL)

$object_id() and $object_name() will return all object IDs and names in specified class respectively. For $object_name(), if the specified class does not have name attributes, such as SimulationContrl, NA will be returned.

$is_valid_id() and $is_valid_name() will return TRUEs if given integers or strings are valid object IDs or object names respectively.

$object_num() will return the number of objects in specified classes.


  • id: An integer vector to check.

  • name: A character vector to check.

  • class: A character vector that contains valid class names.

  • simplify: If FALSE, a list with each member being the data per class will be returned. The order of classes are the same as it in Idd. If TRUE, an integer vector (for $object_id()) or a character vector (for $object_name()) will be returned. The order of returned object IDs or names will be the same order as objects in the IDF file. Default: FALSE.

Object Query

model$search_object(pattern, class = NULL)

$object() will return a named list of IdfObjects specified by object IDs or names.

$object_in_class() will return a named list of all IdfObjects in specified classes.

$search_object() will return a named list of IdfObjects whose names meet the given pattern in specified classes.

The names of returned list by $object(), $object_in_class() and $search_object() are the returned object names, except that all names are converted into valid R names, i.e. all other characters except letters and numbers are replaced by underscore _.

eplusr also provides custom S3 method of $ and [[ to make it more convenient to get IdfObjects in class. Basically, model$ClassName and model[[ClassName]], where ClassName is a single valid class name, is equivalent to model$object_in_class(ClassName).

All above methods will return a named list of IdfObjects. If the class does not have name attribute, then NA will be used.

IdfObject is a class that provides more detailed information methods to modify a single object in an Idf object. For detailed explanations, please see IdfObject class.


  • object: Either an integer vector of valid object IDs or a character vector of valid object names.

  • class: A character vector of valid class names.

  • pattern: A regular expression. It will be directly passed to stringr::str_detect.

  • ClassName: A single length character vector of one valid class name, where all characters other than letters and numbers are replaced by a underscore _.

Object Modification

model$dup_object(object, new_name = NULL)
model$add_object(class, value = NULL, comment = NULL, default = TRUE, all = FALSE)
model$del_object(object, referenced = FALSE)
model$replace_value(pattern, replacement)

$dup_object() will duplicate objects specified by object IDs or names. The newly created objects will be renamed automatically if new names are not given, with a suffix "_1", "_2" and etc.

$add_object() will add objects in the specified class.

$ins_object() will insert objects from other IDF into current IDF.

$set_object() will set the value of fields in the objects specified by object IDs or names.

$del_object() will delete objects specified by object IDs or names.

$search_value() will return values that match the given pattern.

$replace_value() will return replace values that match the given pattern.

NOTE: There is no field validation when using $replace_value() to change field values. $replace_value() should be treated as a low-level method which should be used with caution.


  • object: Either an integer vector of valid object IDs or a character vector of valid object names.

  • new_name: A character vector with the same length as the number of objects to be duplicated.

  • value: A list which contains field values to set to the newly created objects. The class of each field value should comply with the definition in corresponding IDD. Field names of value in each class can be given. If not named, the input values will be set to fields according to their order of appearance.

  • comment: A list which contains comments to set to the newly created objects.

  • default: If TRUE, all empty fields will be filled with their default values if possible.

  • all: If TRUE, all fields in the class will be returned, even if there are no input values for them. If FALSE, only minimum fields will be returned.

  • referenced: If TRUE, all objects that reference the targets to delete will also be deleted.

  • pattern: A regular expression used to search for values.

  • replacement: A regular expression used to replace values.



$validate() will check if there are errors in current model under different strictness level.

$is_valid() will check if there are no errors in current model under different strictness level.

The strictness level can be changed using eplusr_option(). Default is "final".There are three different validate levels, i.e. "none", "draft" and "final":

  • For "none", none validation will be done;

  • For "draft", checking of invalid autosize, autocalculate, character, numeric, integer, and choice field values will be done;

  • For "final", besides above, checking of incomplete extensible groups, missing required objects, duplicated unique objects, object name conflicts, missing required fields and invalid field value reference will also be done.

Underlying, $validate() returned a list of thirteen components. Except missing_object, which is a character vector, all other components are data.tables. The contents of each component are described blow:

  • missing_object: A character vector that contains names of classes which are required but currently none object exists.

  • duplicate_object: A data.table that contains data of all objects in unique class which should only have one object but currently multiple objects exist.

  • conflict_name: A data.table that contains data of all objects that have the same name in the same class.

  • incomplete_extensible: A data.table that contains data of all object fields that are extensible but with empty value.

  • missing_value: A data.table that contains data of all object fields that are required but have empty value.

  • invalid_autosize: A data.table that contains data of all object fields which should not be "Autosize".

  • autocalculate: A data.table that contains data of object fields which should not be "Autocalculate".

  • invalid_character: A data.table that contains data of all object fields which should be character type, but currently are not.

  • invalid_numeric: A data.table that contains data of all object fields which should be numbers, but currently are not.

  • invalid_integer: A data.table that contains data of all object fields which should be integers, but currently are not.

  • invalid_choice: A data.table that contains data of all object fields whose values are not one of prescribed choices.

  • invalid_range: A data.table that contains data of all object fields whose values exceed prescribed ranges.

  • invalid_reference: A data.table that contains data of all object fields whose values are not one of available reference values.

All data.tables above contains thirteen columns:

  • object_id: IDs of objects that contain invalid fields

  • class_id: indexes of classes that invalid objects belong to

  • class_name: names of classes that invalid objects belong to

  • field_index: indexes of object fields that are invalid

  • field_name: names (without units) of object fields that are invalid

  • full_name: names (with SI units) of object fields that are invalid

  • full_ipname: names (with IP units) of object fields that are invalid

  • type: types of object fields that are invalid

  • value_id: indexes of object field values that are invalid

  • value: values (converted to characters) of object field that are invalid

  • value_upper: values (converted to upper-case characters) of object field that are invalid

  • value_num: values (converted to numbers in SI units) of object field that are invalid

  • value_ipnum: values (converted to numbers in IP units) of object field that are invalid

Knowing the internal structure of returned data from $validate(), it is easy to extract data of invalid objects you interested in. For example, you can get all IDs of objects that contains invalid value references using $validate()$invalid_reference$object_id. Then using $set_object() to correct them.

Format Output

model$string(comment = TRUE, header = TRUE)

$string() will return the text format of an IDF file.


  • comment: If FALSE, all comments will not be included.

  • header: If FALSE, the header will not be included.


model$save(path = NULL, format = c("asis", "sorted", "new_top", "new_bot"), overwrite = FALSE, copy_external = TRUE)

$is_unsaved() will check if there are modifications on the model since it was read or since last time it was saved.

$save() will save the model into local disk.


  • path: A path where to save the model. If NULL, the path of the model itself will be used.

  • format: A string to specify the saving format. Should be one of "asis", "sorted", "new_top", and "new_bot". If "asis", which is the default, the model will be saved in the same format as it is. If the model does not contain any format saving option, which is typically the case when the model was not saved using eplusr or IDFEditor, "sorted" will be used. "sorted", "new_top" and "new_bot" are the same as the save options "Sorted", "Original with New at Top", and "Original with New at Bottom" in IDFEditor.

  • overwrite: Whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. Default is FALSE.

  • copy_external: If TRUE, the external files will also be copied into the same directory. The values of file paths in the Idf will be changed automatically. Currently, only Schedule:File class is supported. Default is FALSE.


model$clone(deep = FALSE)

$clone() copies and returns the cloned model. Because Idf uses R6Class under the hook which has "modify-in-place" semantics, idf_2 <- idf_1 does not copy idf_1 at all but only create a new binding to idf_1. Modify idf_1 will also affect idf_2 as well, as these two are exactly the same thing underneath. In order to create a complete cloned copy, please use $clone(deep = TRUE).


  • deep: Has to be TRUE if a complete cloned copy is desired.

Run Model

model$run(weather, dir = NULL, wait = TRUE, force = FALSE, copy_external = FALSE)

$run() will run the current model within specified weather using corresponding version of EnergyPlus. The model and the weather used will be copied to the output directory. An EplusJob will be returned which provides detailed info of the simulation and methods to collect simulation results. Please see eplus_job() for more detailed.

eplusr uses the EnergyPlus command line interface which was introduced since EnergyPlus 8.3.0. So $run() only supports models with version higher than 8.3.0.

eplusr uses the EnergyPlus SQL output for extracting simulation results. In order to do so, a object in Output:SQLite with Option Type value of SimpleAndTabular will be automatically created if it does not exists.


  • weather: A path to an .epw file or an Epw object.

  • dir: The directory to save the simulation results. If NULL, the model folder will be used.

  • wait: Whether to wait until the simulation completed and print the standard output and error of EnergyPlus to the screen. Default is TRUE.

  • force: Whether to stop the background EnergyPlus process and start the simulation again.

  • copy_external: If TRUE, the external files will also be copied into the simulation output directory. The values of file paths in the Idf will be changed automatically. Currently, only Schedule:File class is supported. This ensures that the output directory will have all files needed for the model to run. Default is FALSE.


model$print(plain = FALSE)

$print() will print the model in the similar format as what you will see in IDFEditor.


  • plain: If TRUE, the model will be printed in plain text format with newly added and modified objects at the bottom.

See Also

IdfObject class


Run this code
# ===== CREATE =====
# read an IDF file
idf <- read_idf(system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr"),
    idd = use_idd(8.8, download = "auto"))

# ===== MODEL BASIC INFO =====
# get version

# get path

# get names of all groups in current model

# get names of all defined groups in the IDD
str(idf$group_name(all = TRUE))

# get names of all classes in current model

# get names of all defined classes in the IDD
str(idf$class_name(all = TRUE))

# check if input is a valid group name in current model

idf$is_valid_group("Compliance Objects")

# check if input is a valid group name in IDD
idf$is_valid_group("Compliance Objects", all = TRUE)

# check if input is a valid class name in current model


# check if input is a valid class name in IDD
idf$is_valid_class("ShadowCalculation", all = TRUE)

# get the a list of underlying IddObjects

# ===== OBJECT INFO =====
# get IDs of objects in classes
idf$object_id(c("Version", "Zone"))

# when `simplify` is TRUE, an integer vector will be returned instead of a
# named list
idf$object_id(c("Version", "Zone"), simplify = TRUE)

# get names of objects in classes
# NA will be returned if targeted class does not have a name attribute
idf$object_name(c("Building", "Zone", "Version"))

# if `simplify` is TRUE, a character vector will be returned instead of a
# named list
idf$object_name(c("Building", "Zone", "Version"), simplify = TRUE)

# get number of objects in classes
idf$object_num(c("Zone", "Schedule:Compact"))

# check if input is a valid object ID, i.e. there is an object whose ID is
# the same with input integer
idf$is_valid_id(c(51, 1000))

# check if input is a valid object name, i.e., there is an object whose name is
# the same with input string
idf$is_valid_name(c("Simple One Zone (Wireframe DXF)", "ZONE ONE"))

# ===== OBJECT QUERY =====
# get objects using object IDs or names
# NOTE: object name matching is case-insensitive
idf$object(c("Simple One Zone (Wireframe DXF)", "zone one"))

# the names of returned list are "underscore-style" object names
names(idf$object(c("Simple One Zone (Wireframe DXF)", "zone one")))

# get all objects in classes in a named list

# OR using shortcuts

# search objects using regular expression


# search objects using regular expression in specifc class
length(idf$search_object("R13", class = "Construction"))

# get more controls on matching using `stringr::regex()`
names(idf$search_object(stringr::regex("zn.*1.*wall", ignore_case = TRUE)))

# duplicate objects in "Construction" class

# new objects will have the same names as the duplicated objects but with a
# suffix "_1", "_2" and etc.

# new names can also be explicitly specified
idf$dup_object("R13WALL", new_name = "My-R13Wall")

# duplicate an object multiple times
# }
idf$dup_object(rep("R13WALL", time = 10))
# }
# ===== ADD OBJECTS =====
# add two new objects in "RunPeriod" class
idf$add_object(rep("RunPeriod", 2),
    value = list(
        list("rp_test_1", 1, 1, 2, 1),

        list(name = "rp_test_2",
            begin_month = 3,
            begin_day_of_month = 1,
            end_month = 4,
            end_day_of_month = 1)
    comment = list(
        list("Comment for new object 1", "Another comment"),
        list("Comment for new object 2")),
    default = TRUE

# ===== INSERT OBJECTS =====
# insert objects from other Idf object
idf_1 <- read_idf(system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr"),
    idd = use_idd(8.8, download = "auto"))


# rename material name from "C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE" to "test", otherwise
# insertion will be aborted as there will be two materials with the same name
# in the idf
idf_1$Material$C5_4_IN_HW_CONCRETE$set_value(name = "test")

# insert the object

# check if material named "test" is there

# $ins_object() is useful when importing design days from a ".ddy" file
# }
# }
# ===== SET OBJECTS =====
# set the thickness of newly inserted material "test" to 0.2 m
idf$set_object("test", value = list(thickness = 0.2))

# set thermal absorptance of all material to 0.85
id_mat <- idf$object_id("Material", simplify = TRUE)
    value = rep(
        list(list(thermal_absorptance = 0.85)),
        times = length(id_mat)

# check results
lapply(idf$Material, function (mat) mat$Thermal_Absorptance)

# reset thermal absorptance of all material to the default
    value = rep(
        list(list(thermal_absorptance = NA)),
        times = length(id_mat)
    default = TRUE
# check results
lapply(idf$Material, function (mat) mat$Thermal_Absorptance)

# ===== DELELTE OBJECTS =====
# delete the added run period "rp_test_1", "rp_test_2" and "test" from above
idf$del_object(c("test", "rp_test_1", "rp_test_2"))

# In "final" validate level, delete will be aborted if the target obejcts are
# referenced by other objects.
# get objects that referenced material "R13LAYER"


# }
# }
 # will give an error in "final" validate level

# objects referencing target objects can also be delted by setting `referenced`
# to TRUE
# }
idf$del_object("R13LAYER", referenced = TRUE)
# }
 # will give an error in "final" validate level

# get objects whose field values contains both "VAV" and "Node"

# replace values using regular expression
# NOTE: No field validation will be performed! Should be treated as a low-level
# method. Use with caution.
idf$replace_value("WALL", "A_WALL")

# ===== VALIDATE MODEL =====
# CRAN does not like long-time tests
# }
# check if there are errors in current model

# change validate level to "none", which will enable invalid modifications
eplusr_option(validate_level = "none")

# change the outside layer of floor to an invalid material
idf$set_object("FLOOR", list(outside_layer = "wrong_layer"))

# change validate level back to "final" and validate the model again
eplusr_option(validate_level = "final")


# get IDs of all objects that contains invalid reference fields

# fix the error
idf$set_object(16, list(outside_layer = idf$Material[[1]]$name()))
# }
# ===== FORMAT MODEL =====
# get text format of the model

# get text format of the model, excluding the header and all comments
str(idf$string(comment = FALSE, header = FALSE))

# ===== SAVE MODEL =====
# check if the model has been modified since read or last saved

# save and overwrite current model
# }
idf$save(overwrite = TRUE)
# }
# save the model with newly created and modified objects at the top
# }
idf$save(overwrite = TRUE, format = "new_top")
# }
# save the model to a new file
idf$save(path = file.path(tempdir(), "test.idf"))

# save the model to a new file and copy all external csv files used in
# "Schedule:File" class into the same folder
idf$save(path = file.path(tempdir(), "test1.idf"), copy_external = TRUE)

# the path of this model will be changed to the saved path

# ===== CLONE MODEL =====
# Idf object are modified in place and has reference semantic.
idf_2 <- idf

# modify idf_2 will also affect idf as well
idf_2$Building[[1]]$set_value(name = "Building_Name_Changed")

# in order to make a copy of an Idf object, use $clone() method
idf_3 <- idf$clone()
idf_3$Building[[1]]$set_value(name = "Building_Name_Changed_Again")


# run the model
# }
if (is_avail_eplus(8.8)) {

    # save the model to tempdir()
    idf$save(file.path(tempdir(), "test_run.idf"))

    # use the first epw file in "WeatherData" folder in EnergyPlus v8.8
    # installation path
    epw <- list.files(file.path(eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData"),
        pattern = "\\.epw$", full.names = TRUE)[1]
    # [1] "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw"

    # if `dir` is NULL, the directory of IDF file will be used as simulation
    # output directory
    job <- idf$run(epw, dir = NULL)

    # run simulation in the background
    idf$run(epw, dir = tempdir(), wait = FALSE)

    # copy all external files into the directory run simulation
    idf$run(epw, dir = tempdir(), copy_external = TRUE)

    # check for simulation errors

    # get simulation status

    # get output directory

    # re-run the simulation

    # get simulation results
# }
# print the text format of model
idf$print(plain = TRUE)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab