mytexts <- c("The new law included a capital gains tax, and an inheritance tax.",
"New York City has raised taxes: an income tax and inheritance taxes.")
mytoks <- tokens(mytexts, remove_punct = TRUE)
# for lists of sequence elements
myseqs <- list(c("tax"), c("income", "tax"), c("capital", "gains", "tax"), c("inheritance", "tax"))
(cw <- tokens_compound(mytoks, myseqs))
# when used as a dictionary for dfm creation
mydict <- dictionary(list(tax=c("tax", "income tax", "capital gains tax", "inheritance tax")))
(cw2 <- tokens_compound(mytoks, mydict))
# to pick up "taxes" in the second text, set valuetype = "regex"
(cw3 <- tokens_compound(mytoks, mydict, valuetype = "regex"))
# dictionaries w/glob matches
myDict <- dictionary(list(negative = c("bad* word*", "negative", "awful text"),
positive = c("good stuff", "like? th??")))
toks <- tokens(c(txt1 = "I liked this, when we can use bad words, in awful text.",
txt2 = "Some damn good stuff, like the text, she likes that too."))
tokens_compound(toks, myDict)
# with collocations
#cols <- textstat_collocations("capital gains taxes are worse than inheritance taxes",
# size = 2, min_count = 1)
#toks <- tokens("The new law included capital gains taxes and inheritance taxes.")
#tokens_compound(toks, cols)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab