## Predictions --- artificial example -- closely following example(predict.lm)
n <- length(x <- sort(c(round(rnorm(25), 1), 20)))
y <- x + rnorm(n)
iO <- c(sample(n-1, 3), n)
y[iO] <- y[iO] + 10*rcauchy(iO)
p.ex <- function(...) {
plot(y ~ x, ...); abline(0,1, col="sky blue")
points(y ~ x, subset=iO, col="red", pch=2)
abline(lm (y ~ x), col = "gray40")
abline(lmrob(y ~ x), col = "forest green")
legend("topleft", c("true", "Least Squares", "robust"),
col = c("sky blue", "gray40", "forest green"), lwd=1.5, bty="n")
fm <- lmrob(y ~ x)
new <- data.frame(x = seq(-3, 10, 0.25))
str(predict(fm, new, se.fit = TRUE))
pred.w.plim <- predict(fm, new, interval = "prediction")
pred.w.clim <- predict(fm, new, interval = "confidence")
pmat <- cbind(pred.w.clim, pred.w.plim[,-1])
matlines(new$x, pmat, lty = c(1,2,2,3,3))# add to first plot
## show zoom-in region :
rect(xleft = -3, ybottom = -20, xright = 10, ytop = 40,
lty = 3, border="orange4")
## now zoom in :
p.ex(xlim = c(-3,10), ylim = c(-20, 40))
matlines(new$x, pmat, lty = c(1,2,2,3,3))
box(lty = 3, col="orange4", lwd=3)
legend("bottom", c("fit", "lwr CI", "upr CI", "lwr Pred.I", "upr Pred.I"),
col = 1:5, lty=c(1,2,2,3,3), bty="n")
## Prediction intervals, special cases
## The first three of these throw warnings
w <- 1 + x^2
fit <- lmrob(y ~ x)
wfit <- lmrob(y ~ x, weights = w)
predict(fit, interval = "prediction")
predict(wfit, interval = "prediction")
predict(wfit, new, interval = "prediction")
predict(wfit, new, interval = "prediction", weights = (new$x)^2) -> p.w2
stopifnot(identical(p.w2, ## the same as using formula:
predict(wfit, new, interval = "prediction", weights = ~x^2)))
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