A function for producing plots of the posterior spatiotemporal covariance function.
an lgcpPredictSpatioTemporalPlusParameters object
vector of quantiles of length 3, default is 0.025, 0.5, 0.975
the assumed covariance model. NULL by default, this information is read in from the object obj, so generally does not need to be set.
parameter "ask", see ?par
additional arguments
a plot of the posterior spatial covariance function and temporal correlation function.
postcov.lgcpPredictSpatialOnlyPlusParameters, postcov.lgcpPredictAggregateSpatialPlusParameters, postcov.lgcpPredictSpatioTemporalPlusParameters, postcov.lgcpPredictMultitypeSpatialPlusParameters, ltar, autocorr, parautocorr, traceplots, parsummary, textsummary, priorpost, postcov, exceedProbs, betavals, etavals