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umx (version 4.0.0)

xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data: Make pairs of bin & continuous columns to represent censored data


Takes a dataframe of left-censored variables (vars with a floor effect) and does two things to it: 1. It creates new binary (1/0) copies of each column (with the suffix "bin"). These contain 0 where the variable is below the minimum and NA otherwise. 2. In each existing variable, it sets all instances of min for that var to NA


xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data(data, vars = NULL, suffixes = NULL)



A [data.frame()] to convert


The variables to process


Suffixes if the data are family (wide, more than one persona on a row)


- copy of the dataframe with new binary variables and censoring

See Also

Other xmu internal not for end user: umxModel(), umxRenameMatrix(), umxTwinMaker(), umx_APA_pval(), umx_fun_mean_sd(), umx_get_bracket_addresses(), umx_make(), umx_standardize(), umx_string_to_algebra(), umx, xmuHasSquareBrackets(), xmuLabel_MATRIX_Model(), xmuLabel_Matrix(), xmuLabel_RAM_Model(), xmuMI(), xmuMakeDeviationThresholdsMatrices(), xmuMakeOneHeadedPathsFromPathList(), xmuMakeTwoHeadedPathsFromPathList(), xmuMaxLevels(), xmuMinLevels(), xmuPropagateLabels(), xmuRAM2Ordinal(), xmuTwinSuper_Continuous(), xmuTwinUpgradeMeansToCovariateModel(), xmu_CI_merge(), xmu_CI_stash(), xmu_DF_to_mxData_TypeCov(), xmu_PadAndPruneForDefVars(), xmu_cell_is_on(), xmu_check_levels_identical(), xmu_check_needs_means(), xmu_check_variance(), xmu_clean_label(), xmu_data_missing(), xmu_data_swap_a_block(), xmu_describe_data_WLS(), xmu_dot_make_paths(), xmu_dot_make_residuals(), xmu_dot_maker(), xmu_dot_move_ranks(), xmu_dot_rank_str(), xmu_extract_column(), xmu_get_CI(), xmu_lavaan_process_group(), xmu_make_TwinSuperModel(), xmu_make_mxData(), xmu_match.arg(), xmu_name_from_lavaan_str(), xmu_path2twin(), xmu_path_regex(), xmu_safe_run_summary(), xmu_set_sep_from_suffix(), xmu_show_fit_or_comparison(), xmu_simplex_corner(), xmu_standardize_ACEcov(), xmu_standardize_ACEv(), xmu_standardize_ACE(), xmu_standardize_CP(), xmu_standardize_IP(), xmu_standardize_RAM(), xmu_standardize_SexLim(), xmu_standardize_Simplex(), xmu_start_value_list(), xmu_starts(), xmu_twin_add_WeightMatrices(), xmu_twin_check(), xmu_twin_get_var_names(), xmu_twin_upgrade_selDvs2SelVars()


Run this code
df = xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data(mtcars, vars = c("mpg"))
df[order(df$mpg), c(1,12)]
# Introduce a floor effect
tmp = mtcars; tmp$mpg[tmp$mpg<=15]=15
tmp$mpg_T1 = tmp$mpg_T2 = tmp$mpg
df = xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data(tmp, vars = c("mpg"), suffixes = c("_T1", "_T2"))
df[order(df$mpg), 12:15]
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab